How to Change Directory in Linux VPS using cd Command

cd Command: How to Change Directory in Linux VPS?

The cd command acts like a compass and lets Linux users switch between folders (directories) on their system.

Since the terminal can only view files in your current directory, this is crucial.

To change directories in Linux VPS, you can use one of the below ways:

  • To navigate to a directory that is relative to your present location, use a relative path.
  • To navigate to any directory within the file system, enter an absolute path.
  • Either navigate directly to the root directory or go up one level to the parent directory.
  • Even if you only know a portion of their name, locate them and proceed to directories.

An Introduction to cd Command Usage in Linux

The cd command, short for “change directory,” is your trusty guide in the land of Linux directories.

It lets Linux users with any distribution they choose to work with move between folders on your system, acting like a GPS for their Linux terminal navigation.

The basic syntax of cd command

Here is the Linux cd Command Syntax:

cd [options] [directory]

cd: This is the command itself.

[Options]: Options modify the command’s execution.

[directory]: This is the name of the directory you want to switch to. You can specify the directory in two ways:

  • Relative path: This specifies the directory relative to your current location. For example, cd Desktop would move you to the “Desktop” folder within your current directory:
cd /home/opera/Desktop

This prompts the terminal to display the new current working directory.

  • Absolute path: This specifies the complete path to the desired directory from the root of the file system. For instance, cd /home/user/Documents would take you to the “Documents” folder within the “user” directory.

As one of the Linux essential commands, pwd is used for displaying the current directory path:


Prerequisites to Use cd Command in Linux VPS

Provide the options below to let this tutorial work correctly and move on.

  • A Server running Linux VPS.
  • A non-root user with sudo privileges.
  • Access to the terminal window/command line.

Examples of Using cd command to Change Directory in Linux VPS

This guide equips you with the power to navigate the vast file system of your Linux VPS using the essential cd command.

Consider that you will replace ”Opera” which is an example name with your preferred directory name.

How to Change Directory in Linux VPS

To move to a specific directory, simply type cd followed by the directory path and tell it where you want to go.

For example, to reach a directory named “Opera_Directory” within your Home directory, run:

cd Opera_Directory

How to Change List Content and Directory

To see what’s inside a directory after switching, you can combine the cd command with the ls command (used to list directory contents) using the && operator.

This lets you navigate to a directory and view its contents in one swift command.

Here’s how it works:

cd Opera_Directory && ls

How to Change Directory by Mastering Relative Paths

Navigating efficiently when you’re already in a specific location is where relative paths come in!

In the context of cd, your current working directory acts as that reference point.

For instance, if you’re currently in your Home directory, reaching the “Downloads” subdirectory becomes a breeze.

Instead of specifying the entire path, you can simply use:

cd Downloads

How to Change Directory Using Absolute Path

While relative paths are great for nearby destinations, sometimes you need to travel further.

This is where absolute paths with cd come into play, acting like a universal address system for your Linux VPS.

Important Note Regarding Permissions: Attempting to navigate to directories with restricted access might result in permission errors. In such cases, you may need to use sudo before the cd command for administrative privileges.

Reminding Note: An absolute path specifies the complete location of a directory, starting from the root directory (/) and following the directory hierarchy to reach your target.

Absolute paths are particularly helpful when you need to access specific directories from any point in the file system, or when you’re unsure of your current location.

Here’s how you would use an absolute path when you need to access the “Downloads” directory directly, regardless of your current location.

cd /home/opera/Downloads

This command tells the system to start at the root directory (/), navigate to the “home” directory, then locate the “opera” user directory, and finally reach the desired “Downloads” directory.

How to Use cd command to Change Parent Directory

The cd command offers a handy way to move up a level in the directory hierarchy using two periods (..).

This functionality is useful for quickly navigating back to higher levels of your file system organization.

For instance, if you’re currently within a subdirectory named “Opera01,” you can use:

cd ..

This command will move you up to the parent directory.

How to Change Previous Directory

As a Linux user, you might occasionally need to retrace your steps. The cd command offers a convenient way to return to your previous working directory using a hyphen (-).

Suppose you navigate from the “Downloads” directory to a subdirectory called “Opera_Directory.” If you decide to head back to “Downloads,” you can simply use:

cd -

This command instructs the shell to return you to the directory you were previously in, which in this case would be “Downloads.”

This functionality is particularly helpful for quickly switching back and forth between recently accessed directories.

How to Change Directories with Spaces using cd command

Sometimes, directory names might contain spaces, throwing a wrench into your usual cd commands.

Here are two methods to navigate these special characters and use cd with spaces:

Method 1: Enclosing the Name in Single Quotes

The most straightforward approach is to enclose the entire directory name with single quotation marks (' ').

This tells the shell to interpret the entire string as the directory name, including any spaces.

For example, to access a directory named “this is opera directory,” use:

cd 'This is opera directory'

Method 2: Escaping Spaces with Backslashes

Alternatively, you can escape each space with a backslash () character. This instructs the shell to interpret the space literally as part of the directory name.

Here’s how you would navigate to the same directory using backslashes:

cd This\ is\ opera\ directory

Both methods achieve the same goal, so choose whichever you find more readable or convenient for your specific situation.

How to Change Other User Home Directories

Your Linux VPS isn’t limited to just your files. The cd command allows you to visit the home directories of other users, provided you have the necessary permissions.

To achieve this, use the tilde symbol (~) followed by the username of the account you want to access.

For example, if you want to navigate to the home directory of a user named “opera,” you would use:

cd ~opera

Remember, accessing other user directories might require specific permissions depending on your system configuration.

How to leverage Autocomplete with cd command

Most shells like Bash and Zsh come equipped with a lifesaver, autocompletion. Here’s how it works:

Start typing the directory name you partially remember.

For instance, if the name begins with “di,” simply type “di” and press the Tab key on your keyboard.

The system will then suggest existing directory names that match your partial input.

This feature can be a real time-saver, especially when dealing with long or complex directory names.

Advanced cd Usage (Optional)

Moving Multiple Levels Up: Similarly, you can use cd ../../ to move up four levels in the directory hierarchy.

How to Navigate Back to Home Directory

The cd command offers two intuitive ways to return to your home base, the Home directory:

Method 1: The Simple cd

In its most basic form, using cd without any arguments or paths will automatically bring you back to your Home directory.


This is because the Home directory serves as the default starting point whenever you open a new terminal session.

Method 2: The Tilde Shortcut

Alternatively, you can use the tilde symbol (~) with cd. This tilde acts as a shorthand for your Home directory path, providing a quick one-symbol navigation option.

cd ~

Both methods achieve the same result, so choose whichever you find more convenient!

How to use cd command to Change Root Directory

The cd command empowers you to explore not only your user space but also the entire file system hierarchy.

To reach the very top, the root directory (/) – simply use:

cd /

The root directory acts as the foundation of your Linux VPS file system, containing all other directories and subdirectories.

Accessing the root directory might be necessary for certain administrative tasks, but it’s important to exercise caution when modifying files at this level.

Using cd with Wildcards (Optional):

While cd is primarily for changing directories, it can also be used with wildcards to provide directory listings that can aid navigation.

How to use wildcards with cd?

While cd is primarily for changing directories, you can use wildcards like cd Desk* to list all directories whose names start with “Desk” (this wouldn’t change the directory, though).

How to move up multiple levels in the directory structure?

You can use cd .. to move up one level in the directory hierarchy. To move up several levels, use multiple dots.

For example, cd ../../ will move you up four directory levels.

What if I don’t have permission to access a directory?

Attempting to navigate to directories with restricted access might result in cd permission error Linux.

You may need to use sudo before the cd command for administrative privileges (if applicable).

How to change directory names that have spaces?

There are two ways to handle spaces in directory names and change directory Linux:

  • Enclose the entire directory name in single quotes (‘). For example, cd ‘This is opera directory‘.
  • Escape each space with a backslash (). For example, cd This\ is\ opera\ directory.

How to move to a directory in a different location?

Use an absolute path. An absolute path specifies the complete location of a directory, starting from the root directory (/).

For example, cd /home/user/Documents will take you to the “Documents” directory within the “user” directory.

What should I do if I can’t remember the entire directory name?

Most Linux shells offer autocomplete functionality. Start typing the directory name you partially remember and press the Tab key.

The shell will suggest existing directory names that match your partial input.

cd not working Linux

If your cd command isn’t working, the culprit is likely a typo in the directory path, missing permissions, or a non-existent directory.

Double-check the path for accuracy and case sensitivity. For permission issues, using sudo cd might grant access.

If the directory doesn’t exist, verify the name or check the parent directory’s contents with ls. In rare cases, restarting your terminal window can help.


As one of the basic Linux commands, the cd command Linux is your key to unlocking the vast potential of your Linux VPS file system.

With its ability to navigate directory Linux VPS using relative and absolute paths, explore parent directories, and even autocomplete names, cd empowers you to move efficiently between folders and manage your files with ease.

Remember, mastering cd is a fundamental skill that will serve you well on your Linux journey!

For Windows users, exploring the file system with cd is just as essential. Check out our guide on using the cd command in Windows.

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