List Current Logged-In Users in Linux VPS

How to List Current Logged-In Users in Linux VPS?

Listing current logged-in users in Linux VPS is an essential administration task, especially if you work in a multi-user Linux environment. Here are various ways to list current logged-in users in Linux VPS at a glance:

  • The users command
  • The w command
  • The who command
  • Reading the content of /etc/passwd file using commands cat, less, more, cut, awk, and getent
  • The last command
  • The finger command
  • The grep command
  • The lastlog command

After buying Linux VPS, learning how to list users is crucial because monitoring logged-in users in Linux VPS enhances efficiency, security, and compliance.

8 Linux command to list logged-in users on Linux VPS

Login records on Linux systems are typically stored in the /var/log/wtmp (records all logins and logouts) and /var/log/utmp (records current logged-in users) files. Also, the /etc/passwd file in Linux contains essential information including username, password placeholder, user ID, group ID, user extra information, home directory, and shell about all user accounts on the Linux system.

Almost all the following commands somehow retrieve information from these files.

Therefore, access your Linux VPS using an SSH client and launch the terminal with root privilege.

1. The users command to view users in Linux VPS

The most simple way to display a list of the usernames of currently logged-in users to the Linux VPS is using the  users  command. Its basic syntax is as follows:


Example output:

root opera alice

This command will output a space-separated list of usernames corresponding to active sessions. If you see a specific username multiple times, this means a user is logged in multiple times.

2. The w command to find current logged-in users in Linux VPS

If you want to get a comprehensive view of who is logged in and their activity on the system, using the  w  command is useful. Its basic syntax is as follows:


Example output:

18:24:07 up 5:45, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
root  pts/0 17:10 1:14 0.09s 0.09s -bash
opera pts/1 18:00 0.00s 0.02s 0.00s w

As you see this command provides you a more detailed about users in Linux VPS.

The output of the  w  command provides the below information about users:

  • USER: The username of the logged-in user.
  • TTY: The terminal line.
  • FROM: The remote host or IP address that user is logged in from.
  • LOGIN@: User login time.
  • IDLE: Defines how time user has been idle.
  • JCPU: The CPU time used by all processes attached to the terminal.
  • PCPU: The CPU time used by the current process.
  • WHAT: The command line of the user’s current process.

The  w  command enables users to modify its behavior with its several options. Here are some common options:

-hNot display header.
-sDisplays short format by omitting the login time, JCPU, PCPU, and WHAT columns
-uIgnores current process username.
-fShows FROM (remote hostname) field if it does not appear.
-iDisplays IP address instead of hostname.

3. The who command to display all logged-in users in Linux VPS

Using the  who  command gives you more detailed information about current logged-in users in Linux VPS. Its basic syntax to list all logged-in users on a Linux system is as follows:


Example output:

root    pts/0        2024-07-09 10:42 (:0)
opera pts/1        2024-07-09 11:03 (

As you see this command will display a list of all logged-in users along with their login time, terminal, username, and remote host (remote IP address).

You can use various options with the  who  command to change the default output. Here are some of the options for  the  who  command:

-HShows a header row.
-qDisplays only the username and number of users logged in.
-bShows the time of the last system boot.
-uDisplays the idle time for each user.
-aShows the time of the last system boot, dead processes, login processes, active processes, last system clock change, user’s message status, and more details.

4. Reading the content of /etc/passwd file to monitor users in Linux VPS

As we mentioned previously, the /etc/passwd file in Linux contains information about users on a Linux system and each line in the file represents a user account and provides different data. This file includes lines with the following syntax:

username:x:1001:1001:User Name:/home/username:/bin/bash

Each line of the /etc/passwd file contains information such as username, encrypted password (x), user ID (numerical identifier for a user), group ID for the user, user ID info (typically used for the user’s full name), home directory (path to the user’s home directory) and user’s login shell.

Therefore, you can retrieve information from this file using various commands to view available users on Linux VPS, including:

  • The cat command:

The cat command in Linux displays the contents of the /etc/passwd file. Therefore, this command prints a list of users in Linux along with detailed information. Therefore, you can run the following command:

cat /etc/passwd
  • The less command:

The  less  command also allows you to view the contents of the file one screen at a time and scroll through the file (forward and backward navigation). Therefore, you can run the following command:

less /etc/passwd
  • The more command:

The  more  command performs similarly to  less  command with limited backward movement. Therefore you can use the more command in Linux to display the contents of the /etc/passwd file one screen at a time and  navigate through the file using the spacebar to move forward one screen:

more /etc/passwd
  • The cut command

You can extract and display the only username (first field of file) from each line of the /etc/passwd file using the cut command with  -d  option:

cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd

You can print only all user IDs (third field of the file) with the following command:

cut -d: -f3 /etc/passwd
  • The awk command

The  awk  command works similarly to the cut  command, which extracts and prints custom outputs from the /etc/passwd file.

For example, to print only the first field (usernames) from each line of the /etc/passwd file, use the awk command with  -F  option (sets the field separator to a colon (:)):

awk -F':' '{ print $1}' /etc/passwd

You can customize the output of the awk command For example, if you want to view all user IDs (third field), run the following command:

awk -F':' '{ print $3}' /etc/passwd
  • The getent command

The  getent  command queries and displays all entries from the system’s password database. Therefore, you can list all current logged-in users in Linux using:

getent passwd

In addition, this command can retrieve and display detailed information about a particular account from the system’s password database. To do this run the following command:

getent passwd particular-user

5. The last command to list current logged-in users in Linux VPS

This method is suitable for listing the most recently logged-in users. The  last  command queries from the /var/log/wtmp binary database to show a list of users logged in since the last reboot. Its basic syntax is as follows:


This command displays the user’s login times, durations, and originating IP addresses or terminals.

The  last  command supports several options, including:

-nLimits the number of entries displayed
-sDisplays logins from a specific date.

6. The finger command to show current logged-in users in Linux VPS

The  finger  command in Linux is a simple and handy command line tool for listing logged-in users and obtaining detailed information such as login name, real name, terminal (TTY), idle time, login time, and other relevant information.

Since all Linux distributions do not support the finger command by default, you may need to install it on your Linux distribution. To do this use the following commands:

sudo apt install finger         [On Debian, Ubuntu and Mint]
sudo yum install finger       [On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Rocky/AlmaLinux]
sudo dnf install finger         [On Fedora/RHEL]
sudo pacman -S finger        [On Arch Linux]

Once you equip your Linux VPS with the finger tool, run the following command to list current logged-in users in Linux VPS:


Example Output:

Login     Name           TTY      Idle   Login Time   Office     Office Phone
john      John Doe       tty7         2    Jun 30 08:30 (:0)
jane      Jane Smith     pts/0        3   Jun 30 09:15 (

You can obtain detailed information about a specific user using the ” finger ” command:

finger username

7. The grep command to list all available users in Linux VPS

The grep command in Linux is used for searching text using patterns within files. Therefore, it can print information about a specific user from /etc/passwd file by searching for the specific username. To do this use the following command:

cat /etc/passwd | grep [optional username]

This command extracts lines from text based on matching patterns.

Also, you can find users with specific characteristics with  grep  command. For example, to find all users with a home directory under /home run the following command:

grep '/home' /etc/passwd

8. The lastlog command to display most recent login of all users in Linux VPS

To obtain the details of the most recent login information for all users or a specific user, the  lastlog  command in Linux is useful. Execute the following command to display the last login for all users:


This command reads from the /var/log/lastlog file and provides login information for all users including, username, terminal (TTY), remote host or IP address, and date and time of the last login.

Additional Tips

  • To add new users in Linux, use theuseraddcommand.
  • To customize any attributes of user account, use the  usermod  command.
  • There are two types of user accounts on the Linux system which are normal and system users. System accounts commonly include 1-999 numbers while normal users use four-digit numbers.

Why monitoring logged-in users in Linux VPS is important?

  • Facilitates effective management of user accounts.
  • Helps detect unauthorized access and prevent suspicious activities.
  • Ensures optimal use of system resources by managing active sessions.
  • Helps in identifying and troubleshooting performance issues by monitoring user interactions.

How to Manage Users in Linux Securely?

Proper user management in Linux VPS enhances system security and efficiency. Therefore learning user management best practices is crucial.

1. To enhance security, assign the minimum privilege to users. If someone needs a sudo privilege, you can grant administrative privileges temporarily.

2. Regularly review and remove unnecessary or inactive accounts to protect your system from security risks.

3. Set strong passwords for all systems and normal users and force users to update their passwords regularly.

4. You can implement two-factor authentication (2FA) for user logins to add an additional layer of security.

5. Control access to sensitive files and directories by restricting file permissions (read, write, execute) to only authorized users.

6. Regularly monitor logs for user activities.

By implementing these practices you can manage users optimally.

Does one command provide a way to see all users and their information?

Yes, you can view all users and their details using:

cat /etc/passwd


getent passwd

How can I sort the user list by username only?

To list only usernames in Linux VPS the users command is the best solution.

In addition, you can use the  cut  command with the  -d  option or the awk command with the  -F  option to extract only usernames from the /etc/passwd file.

How to list users in Linux in alphabetical order?

To list users alphabetically, pipe output of  getent  or  cut  into the sort tool. To do this use the following commands:

getent passwd | sort -k1


cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | sort

These commands extract the username from each line in password file (/etc/passwd) and sort the output in alphabetical order.


This article has equipped you with basic Linux commands for optimal user management in Linux VPS.

Listing current logged-in users in Linux VPS helps detect suspicious behavior, track user activity for troubleshooting, respond to potential threats quickly, and ensure security.

Although the Linux terminal is its power, you can also use graphical tools such as control panels to manage users with GUI.

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