best linux distributions for beginners

Best Linux distribution for beginners

The Linux operating system, which is very popular nowadays, is a crowded family, each distribution offering different features and functionality. To enter this family, you need to choose the appropriate distribution with knowledge and skills that meets your needs and goals; keep in mind the fact that all Linux distributions are not suitable for people who have no familiarity with the Linux environment and are just entering the Linux world.

It may be difficult and inconvenient for users who are not familiar with Linux to migrate from other operating systems, especially Windows, to Linux at first, but learning new skills is always exciting, especially when you know that with Linux capabilities, a door of advanced technologies opens for you so that you can enjoy using Linux in any field and more importantly, don’t worry about security issues because Linux has adopted security measures that leave no room for worry.

Contrary to what some people think, some Linux distributions today are much easier to use than Windows and macOS and are also more complete by offering unique features than other competitors.

Knowing that choosing a suitable distribution of Linux may be a challenge for beginner users, and they may be confused about the choice, we decided to introduce the best Linux distributions for beginners so that you get rid of the confusion.

The title of Linux is related to the kernel of the operating system, which is the same in all Linux distributions, and the Linux operating system, due to the open-source of its kernel, provides the possibility of editing, development, and distribution for professional users and programmers, which as a result of this freedom, we are witnessing new and different distributions and versions of Linux, each of which offers special features and is used for various purposes.

This operating system, with its free and open source, as well as providing a variety of distributions to meet every need, has been able to attract a large community of users, from home users to Enterprise environments.

Join us to get to know the best Linux distributions for beginners and create a good Linux experience with the right choice.

Introducing 12 of the best Linux distributions for beginners

The strength of Linux is in providing a multitude of available options for users, which allows users to choose according to their needs and learn. Our goal in providing these materials is to familiarize you with less complicated distributions of Linux. You can implement your wishes by installing these distributions with minimal knowledge and skills.


1. Ubuntu is the best Linux for beginners and professionals

Ubuntu is one of the famous and functional Linux distributions based on Debian, which is very simple and user-friendly and is one of the special offers for beginners. The Ubuntu operating system has many fans and users and is well supported by a strong and professional community, also, by providing versions under the title LTS (Long Term Support) and Ubuntu’s long-term support of these versions, Ubuntu is known as a favorable distribution for users focused on the operating system’s stability.

It should be noted that Ubuntu support is one of the significant advantages of this operating system, and various versions such as Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Edubuntu, etc., have been created based on it.

This operating system has very easy installation steps. You can install it for 32-bit and 64-bit architectures without Complexity even by referring to internet sources and benefit from its attractive user interface. (If you are looking for a tutorial to install Ubuntu beside Windows 10, our article can guide you well).

In addition, one of the features of Ubuntu is that it installs many hardware drivers during installation, which makes it easier to identify new hardware in the system.

It is interesting to know that due to the popularity and history that Ubuntu has in the market, many developers use the Ubuntu platform to test software that is based on the Linux operating system; for this reason, the majority of software is compatible with Ubuntu. And also, the process of installing Nvidia graphics card drivers in Ubuntu is simpler than in other Linux distributions.

This operating system uses the GNOME 3. x interface, which has a very simple user interface. If your previous operating system was Windows, Ubuntu is undoubtedly the best option for you.

Ubuntu can be run on the server, desktop, and mobile, and it uses Apt for package management and allows live execution without installation. If you want to know more about this operating system, the article what is Ubuntu has explained everything about this operating system.

Advantages of Ubuntu

  • Support thousands of free software
  • Strong support community
  • Ability to distribute Ubuntu for different needs
  • Compatible with most hardware
  • Suitable for home and commercial use
  • Possibility of encryption for cloud storage


2. Linux Mint

Linux Mint is a popular distribution of Linux worldwide, one of Ubuntu’s main competitors, and is developed based on Ubuntu and Debian. Linux Mint is known for its ease of use, and its developers aimed to create a powerful yet beautiful Linux environment.

Linux Mint offers users a traditional desktop that is very similar to Windows 7 or XP, which has a Windows-like start menu and taskbar, so Linux Mint will not disappoint Windows users by providing extensive tools. It also provides a complete desktop experience for novice users and is one of the best Linux distributions for beginners

Linux mint has an apt software package and supports X86, X64, and IA-32 architectures, and Mint’s diversity in providing Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, Xfce, and Mate desktops has doubled its popularity. Also, this operating system has many features of Ubuntu, therefore it is compatible with all Ubuntu programs.

Mint software packages are mostly free and released under the GPL or LGPL license. Although this operating system is free and open source, there are some exclusive softwares in it. Also, part of its kernel source code is not available. In general, this version of Linux can be a suitable option to start with due to its simplicity and efficiency.

Advantages of Linux Mint

  • Having the Cinnamon desktop and its special features
  • Ability to use Ubuntu software repositories
  • Having a large and responsible society
  • The most complete desktop experience
  • Free
  • Having a Windows-like interface

3. Elementary OS is the best Linux distribution in terms of beauty

It is the most visually beautiful GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. This distribution of Linux has surprised users who, when they hear the name Linux, have an image of writing complex commands in a non-graphical environment.

Elementary OS has been welcomed by Apple users with a UI similar to macOS. The purpose of this operating system is to provide a user-friendly environment with optimal performance. Unlike other Linux distributions, it benefits from the Pantheon desktop environment so that all software packages within Pantheon are open source and released under various licenses.

Elementary’s main browser is Midori by default. It uses a text editor called Scratch, a Noise music player, an Audience movie player, and also includes many interesting tools to convey a good feeling to the user.

The visual beauty and Simplicity of working with the elementary OS is one of the distributions that are recommended to beginner users. However, due to its small support community, it may not be as strong in support as other options. Still, its visual beauty and Simplicity in use are considered a bonus for people without expertise.

Advantages of Elementary OS

  • Having an attractive visual appearance
  • Having useful and pre-installed software
  • Lightweight


4. Fedora as a modern distribution of Linux

Fedora Linux is a modern distribution and different from other Linux distributions, which emphasizes more on being open source in such a way that you will not find closed source drivers in Fedora, and it has provided a practical and suitable platform for using open source programs.

for sure, most users are familiar with what Fedora is because it has recently gained a lot of attention; Fedora is not derived from distribution and is primarily based on the Linux kernel and uses the Fedora Workstation desktop environment that is freely available to developers and it works directly with the GNOME open source project.

This operating system provides a new version every six months, which is supported for 13 months and is provided for different Usage. Fedora has a simple and easy working environment, so it will not be difficult for beginners to work with it.

Advantages of Fedora

  • High flexibility
  • Safe and stable
  • Having a variety of graphic tools
  • Having different desktops
  • Fast and simple setup
  • Support for third-party and educational software
  • Great support community

5. MX Linux

MX Linux was formed from the joint venture of Antix Linux distribution and MEPIC community; Although it has recently become known among users, it has been able to make a place in users’ hearts with its user-friendly environment. This popular distribution is based on Debian and uses Xfce as the default desktop environment. Its commendable features are its stability and compatibility with GUI tools, which make working with the operating system more manageable for Windows and macOS users.

In MX Linux, installing the package manager is simple; you can also quickly install it by searching for Flatpak packages. It should be noted that Flathub is available by default as one of the resources in the package manager. Users generally find this operating system focused on performance, stable, and very lightweight.

In this way, MX Linux is one of the popular distributions for beginners that can be run even on old hardware like Pentium II.

Advantages of MX Linux

  • Easy installation and configuration
  • Having the Xfce desktop environment
  • Lightweight
  • Reliable and stable
  • Compatible with old computers
  • an excellent option for beginners


6. Manjaro

You may have heard this name for the first time because it is one of the most anonymous Linux distributions that you have heard less of, but it is undoubtedly the best Linux distribution to enter the Linux world.

Unlike Ubuntu, Mint, and Elementary, which were based on Debian, Manjaro is based on Arch Linux, which you must have been familiar with by now, if not, the article “what is Arch Linux” will introduce you to this wonderful operating system so that you will get a better understanding of the roots of this unfamiliar operating system.

Manjaro, like other Linux distributions, is open source and free, and it is a rolling Linux distribution that is constantly updated, and its users are added day by day with its growth and development. This simple and growing distribution is chosen as an alternative to Windows and is also trying to take the place of arch Linux in terms of user-friendliness.

Manjaro supports Manjaro Linux Xfce and KDE desktop environments and increases the enjoyment of using its operating system for beginner users with the ability to move between different Linux kernels easily.

Advantages of Manjaro

  • Rolling distribution
  • Ease of use
  • Having a growing community
  • Good distribution for the game
  • Having the power of Arch Linux

7. Zorin OS

Another distribution that focuses on user-friendliness and simplicity along with optimal performance is Zorin OS, a GNU/Linux operating system developed based on Ubuntu. This name may be new to you, Because it is less talked about, this operating system is mostly used for home computers and is offered in three versions: Ultimate, Business, and Core.

This operating system is considered an alternative to Windows and macOS, providing users with all the tools needed to perform daily tasks. The interface of Zorin OS is designed and created with beginner users in mind, which is very similar to It is the style of Windows 10; for this reason, it has been able to attract the satisfaction of Windows users.

One of the interesting features of this operating system is that PlayOnLinux is installed by default on it; with the help of this tool, video games and Windows software can be run on Linux and provide a version of Ubuntu software, solves the software needs of beginner users.

Advantages of Zorin OS

  • User-friendly interface
  • Windows-like interface
  • Providing useful media software
  • Special desktop effects

Zorin OS for beginners


8. Pop!_OS

This distribution of Linux does not need to be defined and explained, and it is famous and popular enough with its features. This distribution is based on Ubuntu and takes advantage of Ubuntu’s stability; also, by offering features such as Pop Shell and offering a separate version of the distribution that has pre-installed NVIDIA drivers, it is known as a suitable distribution for gaming due to the high power it has gained from this features.

Pop!_OS was using the GNOME desktop environment until some time ago, but recently System76 decided to change the desktop environment of this operating system and changed it to COSMIC, which is based on GNOME; therefore, in every way, this operating system can be recommended for beginners and gamers.

Advantages of Pop!_OS

  • Sustainability
  • Flatpack support
  • benefit from separate ISO for computers with NVIDIA GPU
  • Having Window tiling

9. Solus

Solus is an independent distribution that, unlike most Linux distributions that are based on Ubuntu, this operating system is not based on distribution and is made with all users in mind. In addition to providing installation media, this modern operating system has left the user free to choose the desktop interface between Budgie, GNOME, and MATE options, and it supports most software compatible with the Windows operating system, such as Firefox, Thunderbird, etc. Also, Solus is chosen as a favorable distribution for gamers with support for out-of-box controllers and game controls.

This operating system with the slogan “Install Today. Updates Forever” claims to provide the user with an up-to-date and modern operating system that is released with a rolling release model and is regularly updated.

Beginners will enjoy and love working with Solus OS. Because it has a beautiful appearance and a quick installation process, and it provides useful and practical software by default. You rarely see anyone who complains about the hardware problems of this operating system, For this reason, users have a good and smooth experience with Solus.

It Should be mentioned that the Solus operating system is also a suitable distribution for programmers by providing an advanced platform.

Advantages of solus operating system

  • Doing multimedia tasks in the best way
  • Ability to install Steam and enjoy all games
  • Favorable replacement for Windows users
  • Having a special Budgie user interface
  • It has a beautiful and modern design
  • Has simple and intuitive menus

10. Deepin Linux

Deepin Linux is a relatively new distribution developed by the Chinese community, which was created to provide a useful experience of the Linux desktop environment, and has managed to attract the attention of novice users in this short period of time. It seems that in the not-so-distant future, it will create a revolution in Linux desktop environments because it has been able to create a work of art and user-friendly from the Linux environment.

This Linux distribution offers all applications and supports popular software such as Chrome, Nautilus file manager, Deepin media player, USB Creator, PDF viewer, LibreOffice, and others. It uses Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE), which gives the best efficiency even for professional users.

Advantages of Deepin

  • Custom installer and possibility of settings and management
  • Having an attractive desktop environment Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE)
  • Simplicity in the installation process
  • Having the majority of useful programs by default
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Support for all audio and video file formats
  • Having compatible graphics card drivers
  • high security

11. Linux Lite

Linux Lite is a distribution based on the LTS versions of Ubuntu, which is designed for Linux newcomers and has created a space for learning Linux.

This operating system, with its Low volume and easy-to-use functionality, is considered a special opportunity for Windows users who are interested in the open source community and Linux to learn and enter the world of Linux.

Providing a Windows-like desktop environment and graphical tools for installing software and applications such as Firefox, GIMP, LibreOffice, Thunderbird, VLC media player, etc., has made it easier for beginners migrating from Windows to Linux.

Lite Linux provides users with the latest features with automatic updates and smooth performance; it also features the Xfce desktop environment and is a good choice for those who want to experience Linux on an older system.

Advantages of Linux Lite

  • Suitable for Windows users
  • Optimized for older hardware
  • Easy to use
  • Light and compact distribution
  • Has pre-installed application software


Fedora 36 is one of the best Fedora projects that came with the latest features, drivers, and tools. With its simplicity and user-friendliness, Fedora 36 changed all the misconceptions that users had about the complexity of the Fedora operating system due to its modernity. While being a powerful operating system with advanced tools, Fedora 36 is very attractive and simple for beginners.

You may have wondered how Fedora 36 with the most up-to-date features managed to be on the list of suitable Linux distributions for beginners. Fedora 36 has become one of the strongest competitors of ZorinOS and Linux Mint by having the latest version of GNOME 42 which provided amazing changes in performance and UX along with new features. In addition to this, horizontal workflow is another important factor in facilitating the work process for Linux beginners, which influenced the attractiveness of Fedora 36 for beginners. The features and capabilities that Fedora 36 and GNOME 42 provide to inexperienced Linux users are really commendable, for example, how to share files with other computers in Fedora 36 is a great example of Fedora 36’s effort to Simplify any activity.

More important than anything else, fedora 36 is an operating system that assures you that it will do its best for every task, saving your time and energy and It will not bother you with successive problems. If you do not have much experience in using Linux and you are interested in benefiting from the most advanced technologies and features, we recommend Fedora 36. Don’t worry about how to install Fedora 36 because we have already provided training on how to install Fedora 36 workstations, you can easily benefit from this operating system on your Linux system.

Advantages of  Fedora36

• Simple and easy installation
• Safe
• Open source and free
• Having the GNOME 42 desktop environment by default
• Wayland by default for NVIDIA proprietary drivers
• Update Systemd Messages
• Updated Spins
• configuration of NetworkManager
• Structure of RPM
• Has great support


Ubuntu provides a platform not only for beginner users but also for advanced professional users to fulfill their needs, But MX has considered beginner users who need a Linux environment to meet their needs and change their operating system at will. Also, It is a good choice for organizational purposes.

No, we do not recommend arch Linux for beginners as they should have minimal Linux knowledge and experience; Because you will need skills and knowledge of Linux to manage and perform tasks.

There is no doubt that Manjaro is one of the best distributions for beginners, but it should not be at the top of your list; this operating system is excellent for users with little experience with Linux. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the environment of Manjaro in the virtual machine and learn it before using it.

MX Linux is the best option for users who want to transfer their operating system from Windows to Linux for the first time. It has an extremely simple installation and configuration process. It Should be mentioned that all the distributions we introduced have a simple installation process.

Ubuntu and Fedora have similarities and features in common, but due to having a large and professional support team, the possibility of installing drivers, and the availability of software, Ubuntu is more popular with beginner users than Fedora.



By reading this article, you got acquainted with some of the best Linux distributions for beginners, which occupied the minds of many beginner users. This problem becomes more sensitive for users when buying a Linux VPS because the wrong choice can have unpleasant consequences. If you cannot easily manage the operating system, you may have problems meeting your goals, and this problem can be annoying. So try to choose the most suitable distribution according to your skill for your purposes.

If you are looking for the best Linux distribution compared to other options, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, and Deepin should be at the top of your list, and then according to your skills and knowledge, make the best and most reasonable choice by checking these distributions.

Linux Mint is at the top of the list of the best Linux distributions for beginners, with its close resemblance to Windows and an efficient user interface that makes it easier for beginners; if simplicity is more important to you than beauty, Linux Mint is the best option.

If you are looking to get rid of hardware performance issues, Deepin OS is a good choice that shines among Linux distributions with its attractive user interface.

Ubuntu is ideal for both professionals and beginners, which offers you the best features with an advanced platform, and at the same time, it is beautiful and easy to use.

If you have an old computer, Linux Lite can be a good option for you, and if you want to switch from Windows to Linux, Zorin OS, Deepin, Linux Mint, and Linux Lite are good options.

Zorin OS is a cost-effective option for business use and provides the best user interface to users.

In general, all the distributions we have introduced, each with the features they offer, are trying to help new users meet their needs without complications and enjoy their desktop environment, as well as learn Linux well and have a sweet experience. Which Linux distribution do you think is best for beginners? If you have experience in this field, share it with us.

We hope that reading this article was helpful for you and that we were able to answer your questions.

Thank you for accompanying us until the end of the article.

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Nursyaf Koto Publish in May 6, 2024 at 6:04 pm

Artikel yang berguna sekali..semoga bisa lebih di kembangkan di masa yang akan datang, thks