How to Install Fedora 36 Workstation & Server

How to Install Fedora 36 Workstation & Server

Fedora Linux 36 Beta is a free and open-source Linux operating system developed by skilled programmers with the purpose of general testing Linux operating systems.

As you already know, Fedora Linux provides users with the latest technologies and software Relying on relative stability. The Fedora operating system usually releases a new and updated version every 6 months, although, before the release of the new version, they are evaluated during a process. Also, the financial support of Red Hat and several reputable companies of Fedora is considered an advantage for this operating system.

After a long wait, fans of the Fedora operating system can now download and install the beta versions of Fedora without facing any obstacles and take advantage of its new and updated features. In this training, we decide to guide you in installing Fedora 36 workstation and server step by step with related images.

First, we remind the features of the Fedora 36 operating system, then we explain the steps of installing Fedora 36 in more detail.

Features of the Fedora 36 Beta operating system

  • Very fast software updates
  • Support for third-party applications
  • Full support for all types of work desks
  • Short and fast setup time
  • Using a powerful firewall
  • Having exclusive features to improve security
  • flexible
  • Support for all types of hardware

Installing Fedora 36

The Fedora 36 operating system can be run and installed both on a dedicated machine such as a server or computer and in virtual environments such as VirtualBox, VMware, and KVM.

If you are interested in using the Fedora operating system on the server, you need to first buy a Linux VPS with a suitable plan for your goals; we suggest that you don’t skip the high-quality and high-speed Opera Linux VPS.

Don’t worry about how to install Fedora 36 on the server because the steps we will explain to install Fedora 36 can also be implemented on the server.

Step 1: Downloading Fedora 36

What is always the first step to start the operating system installation process? Yes, that’s right, we need to download Fedora 36 OS.

You may be wondering what is the difference between Fedora Workstation and Fedora Server.

They are not fundamentally different from each other, Fedora Workstation can be run on laptops and computers and is an easy operating system with a set of useful tools for development. Also, Fedora Server is a powerful server operating system that offers the latest data center technologies.

Now that you understand the difference between Fedora Workstation and Fedora server, we continue the download process with the help of wget:

### Workstation DVD for x86_64 ###


### Workstation DVD for ARM® aarch64 ###


### Server DVD for x86_64 ###


### Server DVD for ARM® aarch64 ###


Step 2: Creating a bootable USB

After downloading the desired version, it is necessary to create a bootable USB for those who install the Fedora 36 operating system on the computer. Otherwise, Linux users should use the dd command.

For this purpose, first, identify your USB name and then use the following command to replace sdX with your USB name:

sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M status=progress oflag=direct

Wait a few minutes for the command to be executed and then boot the system via USB stick.

Then install Fedora by running the following command:

sudo dnf install liveusb-creator

Step 3: Installing Fedora 36 (server/workstation version)

After we make the USB bootable, connect it to your computer and then restart the computer. After the system is started, according to the configuration of your system, go to the bootable menu using the related keys and start the installation by selecting the desired USB or DVD.

Installing Fedora 36

Be patient until the media review is complete.

Install Fedora 36


On the page that is displayed, select the “Install to Hard Drive” option.

Install Fedora 36


After selecting the Install option, on the next page, you must specify the language you want, and after choosing the desired language, click on the “Continue” button to continue.

Installing Fedora36, selecting language

Click “Install Destination” on the screen below to select the media you want your operating system to be installed on.

Install Fedora36


This step is done to partition the system; by considering the default mode, select the “Custom” button. Then click the “Done” button.

Install Fedora36, partition the system

Then, by selecting the “Begin installation” option, the installation of Fedora 36 will begin. You have to wait a little while to complete the installation process.


Install Fedora 36

The process of installing Fedora 36 on your PC is completed successfully, now you can enjoy Fedora 36 on your PC.

Required configurations for Fedora Server

To install and configure Fedora 36 on the server, you need to have Root user permissions and you must set a password for the Root user.

install fedora

Also, you have the right to choose between the two options of enabling or disabling the root users, and you can choose one of them according to your purpose.

install Fedora 36

You can then complete the details to create an account.

install Fedora36


Make sure to set a password for the root user and create an id for user account creation.

Install Fedora 36

We did not prepare the installation resources and necessary files to write to the disk.

Install Fedora 36

Required configurations for Fedora workstation

You will see the Fedora installation process and after waiting for a few minutes the changes will be applied to the disk.

Install Fedora 36


After the installation process is finished, click the “Finish Installation” option to enter the Fedora desktop world and check that everything is configured to your liking.

Install Fedora 36

Disconnect the USB you configured for boot from your system and restart your system to complete the Fedora 36 installation process successfully.

After restarting the system, you will see the following screen where you must select the “Start Setup” option.

Install Fedora 36

On the Privacy page, choose the best option according to your wishes and then click on “Next“.

Install Fedora 36

This step is to connect to your online account. You can skip this step by selecting the” Skip “option on the top right of the page.

Install Fedora 36

Then enter your username and password and click the “Next” button.

Install Fedora 36

Install Fedora 36

Finally, the process of installing Fedora 36 is completed successfully, just select the “No thanks” option.

Install Fedora 36

Your system is now equipped with Fedora 36, and the first screen displayed after starting Fedora 36 is the welcome message from the GNOME desktop.

Congratulations on entering the world of Fedora 36, you can discover the exciting world of Fedora 36 and be surprised by every feature.

Install Fedora 36

We recommend that you upgrade your operating system before doing anything using the command below.

sudo dnf -y upgrade


Yes, you can install and use  Xfce, LXDE, MATE, Deepin, and Cinnamon desktop environments on Fedora OS.

One of the advantages of Fedora is the development and integration of the latest innovations, programs, libraries, and free and open-source software, which has attracted software developers, gamers, technology specialists, and digital artists.


Fedora Linux is one of the most complete Linux distributions for programmers and developers working in the backend. The purpose of this article is to teach how to install Fedora 36 on a server and workstation in the simplest way. Installing Fedora Linux is possible using two graphical and terminal versions. We tried to guide you step by step and provide screenshots to install Fedora 36. We hope that you were able to easily install Fedora on your Linux system and Use Fedora features to get closer to your goals.

Thank you for staying with us until the end of the article.

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