awk Command in Linux

awk Command in Linux

awk is a powerful text-processing tool used for manipulating data and generating formatted reports.

It’s particularly useful for extracting specific information from text files, performing calculations, and transforming data into desired formats.

Here is the awk syntax Linux:

awk [options] 'selection_criteria {action}' input-file > output-file

awk Options:

action: The code to be executed when the pattern matches. It’s enclosed in curly braces {}.

input_file: The file to be processed.

-f program-file: Specifies the file containing the AWK program code. This allows for more complex scripts to be stored and reused.

-F fs: Sets the field separator to fs. By default, whitespace characters are used as field separators. This option enables customization of how input data is divided into fields.

Prerequisites to Use awk command in Linux

Provide the options below to let awk examples Linux tutorial work correctly and move on.

Practical Examples of awk Command in Linux

The ability of awk Linux command to handle patterns, fields, and records with precision makes it invaluable for tasks ranging from simple data extraction to complex report generation.

Let’s go through the examples of awk tutorial Linux to review how to use awk in Linux:

1. Printing All Lines

awk '{ print }' data.txt


  • awk '{ print }' is the basic structure of an awk command.
  • The curly braces {} enclose the action to be performed for each line.
  • print is a built-in function that outputs the current record (line).
  • data.txt is the input file.
  • In this case, the action is simply to print the entire line for each record in data.txt.

2. Printing Specific Fields

awk '{ print $2, $4 }' data.txt


  • $2 and $4 represent the second and fourth fields of each line, respectively.
  • The comma separates the fields to be printed.
  • For each line in data.txt, the second and fourth fields will be printed, separated by a space (the default output field separator).

3. Adding a Header

awk 'BEGIN { print "Name Age City" } { print $1, $2, $3 }' data.txt


  • BEGIN is a special pattern that is executed before processing any input lines.
  • print “Name Age City” prints the header line.
  • The second pattern {} is executed for each line, printing the first three fields.
  • This command creates a formatted output with a header row followed by data.

4. Performing Calculations

awk '{ sum += $3 } END { print "Total:", sum }' data.txt


  • sum += $3 adds the value of the third field to the variable sum. This is done for each line.
  • END is a special pattern executed after processing all input lines.
  • print "Total:", sum prints the final calculated sum.
  • This command calculates the sum of values in the third field of the input file.

5. Conditional Printing

awk '$3 > 30 { print $1, "is older than 30" }' data.txt


  • $3 > 30 is a condition that checks if the third field is greater than 30.
  • If the condition is true, the action within the curly braces is executed.
  • print $1, "is older than 30" prints the first field followed by the message.
  • This command filters lines based on the condition and prints a formatted output for matching lines.

6. Counting Lines

awk 'END { print NR }' sample.txt

This command efficiently counts the total number of lines in the specified file and displays the result.


  • The awk command is executed with the specified script.
  • The script processes the entire sample.txt file line by line.
  • After all lines have been processed, the END block is triggered.
  • Within the END block, the value of NR, which now holds the total number of lines in the file, is printed.

While the END block is often used for this purpose, you can also employ a counter within the main processing block:

awk '{ count++ } END { print count }' sample.txt

This approach involves incrementing a counter for each line and then printing the final count in the END block.

7. Finding Specific Patterns

awk '/fruit/ fruits.txt'

awk’s pattern-matching capabilities are powerful, allowing for complex searches using regular expressions.


  • This awk command efficiently searches for the word “fruit” within the text file named “fruits.txt“. Any line containing the word “fruit” will be printed to the console.
  • The simplicity of this command makes it a versatile tool for quickly finding specific text within files.
  • awk: Invokes the awk command-line utility.
  • /fruit/: This is a regular expression pattern enclosed within forward slashes. It specifies that we’re searching for the exact word “fruit”.
  • fruits.txt: The name of the input file to be processed.

8. Matching the Beginning of a Line

awk '/^animal/' creatures.txt


  • This awk command is designed to identify and print lines from the file “creatures.txt” that begins with the word “animal”.
  • awk: Invokes the awk command-line utility.
  • /^animal/: This is a regular expression pattern enclosed within forward slashes.
  • The caret symbol (^) matches the beginning of a line.
  • animal is the literal text to be found immediately after the start of the line.
  • creatures.txt: Specifies the input file to be processed.
  • The ^ anchor is crucial for matching patterns at the beginning of a line.
  • This technique is useful for extracting specific data based on initial characters or keywords.

9. Extracting Specific Fields

awk '/^color/ { print $2 }' item_list.txt


  • This awk command is designed to extract the second field from lines that start with the word “color” within the file “item_list.txt”.
  • awk: Invokes the awk command-line utility.
  • /^color/: This is a regular expression pattern that matches lines beginning with the word “color”.
  • { print $2 }: This action block specifies that if the pattern matches, the second field ($2) of the line should be printed.
  • item_list.txt: Specifies the input file to be processed.
  • The combination of pattern matching and field extraction allows for precise data extraction.
  • The $n syntax represents the nth field in a record.

10. Piping Command Output to awk

ls -l | awk '{ print $5 }'


  • This command demonstrates how to combine the output of a shell command (in this case, ls -l) with awk to extract specific information.
  • ls -l: Lists the contents of the current directory in long format, providing details about files and directories, including file size.
  • |: The pipe character sends the output of ls -l as input to the awk command.
  • awk '{ print $5 }': This awk script processes the input line by line:
  • { print $5 }: Prints the fifth field of each input line, which corresponds to the file size in a standard ls -l output.

11. Using External Awk Scripts

awk -f process_data.awk employee_data.txt


  • awk scripting Linux command demonstrates how to execute an awk script stored in a separate file.
  • awk: Invokes the awk command-line utility.
  • -f process_data.awk: Specifies that the awk program should be read from the file named process_data.awk.
  • employee_data.txt: Indicates the input file to be processed.

12. Removing Empty Lines

awk 'NF > 0' data_file.txt


  • This awk command effectively removes empty lines from a text file.
  • awk: Invokes the awk command-line utility.
  • NF > 0: This is a condition that checks if the number of fields (NF) in the current record is greater than zero.
  • data_file.txt: Specifies the input file to be processed.
  • The NF variable is a built-in awk variable that represents the number of fields in a record.
  • By using the condition NF > 0, we filter out lines with no content.

That’s it! Now you are skilled in awk print all lines, awk print specific columns, awk calculate sum, awk count lines, awk pattern matching, and awk regular expressions.

How does awk command work in Linux?

awk scans input line by line, matching patterns to execute corresponding actions. These actions can involve printing, calculations, string manipulation, and more.

Essentially, awk provides a flexible way to extract, transform, and analyze data from text files.

Core Concepts in awk Command in Linux


  • awk splits each input line into fields by default using whitespace as a delimiter.
  • Fields are numbered starting from 1.
  • $0 refers to the entire line.

Built-in Variables

FS: Field separator (default is whitespace).

RS: Record separator (default is newline).

OFS: Output field separator (default is whitespace).

ORS: Output record separator (default is newline).

NF: Number of fields in the current record.

NR: Number of records processed so far.


print: Prints the specified expressions.

Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %.

Comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=.

Conditional statements: if, else.

Loops: for, while.

Functions: User-defined functions can be created.

How to Use Built-in Variables in awk command?

The following awk command demonstrates the use of built-in variables to format and print data from a text file:

awk '{ printf "%d - %s\n", NR, $2 }' flowers.txt

Built-in variables like NR provide valuable information about the data being processed.

The printf function offers precise control over output formatting.

How to Combine Actions in awk Command in Linux?

To combinate conditions for complex filtering:

awk '$1 == "red" && length($2) > 3 { print }' color_list.txt

This awk command demonstrates how to combine multiple conditions to filter data effectively.


awk: Invokes the awk command-line utility.

$1 == "red" && length($2) > 3: This is a combined condition:

$1 == "red": Checks if the first field is exactly “red”.

&&: The logical AND operator, requiring both conditions to be true.

length($2) > 3: Checks if the length of the second field is greater than 3 characters.

{ print }: If both conditions are met, the entire line is printed.

color_list.txt: Specifies the input file to be processed.

What are the Specific awk Functions and Syntax?

Built-in functions: length, substr, split, tolower, toupper, sprintf, match, sub, gsub, etc.

Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %

Comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=

Logical operators: &&, ||, !

Control flow statements: if, else, while, for, break, continue

Regular expressions: Used for pattern matching within fields or entire lines.

What are the awk command Real-World use cases?

Log Analysis: Extract specific information from log files, such as error messages, IP addresses, or timestamps.

Data Cleaning: Remove duplicates, standardize formats, or handle missing values in data sets.

Report Generation: Create summary reports, statistical analysis, or custom formatted output from data.

CSV Manipulation: Process CSV files, extract data, or transform data into different formats.

Text Processing: Perform tasks like word counting, line counting, or searching for patterns in text files.

What are the Common Use Cases of awk command in Linux?

  • Extracting data from log files.
  • Generating reports.
  • Data cleaning and transformation.
  • Parsing CSV or other structured data.
  • Creating custom text filters.

How to use awk command to find duplicates in a file?

You can use awk to find duplicates by creating an associative array:

awk '!a[$0]++ { print $0 }' input_file

For example:

Assuming a file data.txt with the following content:


So, the above command will print the below output:


This method is efficient for finding duplicates based on entire lines.

How to Calculate average in awk?

To calculate the average of a specific column in a file using awk:

awk '{ sum += $3 } END { print "Average:", sum/NR }' data.txt

This command calculates the average of the values in the third column of the file data.txt.

sum += $3: Adds the value of the third field to the variable sum for each line.

END { print "Average:", sum/NR }: Calculates the average by dividing the total sum by the number of records (NR) and prints the result.

How to find the largest or smallest number in awk?

Finding the largest or smallest number in a column using awk:

awk 'NR==1 {max=$2; min=$2; next} {max = ($2 > max ? $2 : max); min = ($2 < min ? $2 : min)} END {print "Largest:", max, "Smallest:", min}' data.txt

This command initializes max and min with the first value in the second column, then iterates through the rest of the data, updating max and min as needed.

How to debug awk scripts?

Use print statements to output intermediate values and trace the script’s execution. Consider using a debugger if available.


The explained examples in this guide help you to master the awk command Linux as one of the Linux commands, to gain a valuable skill for automating tasks, analyzing data, and streamlining your workflow in the Linux environment.

By understanding core concepts like patterns, actions, and built-in variables, you can effectively harness awk’s power to solve a wide range of text-based challenges.

Whether you’re working with log files, CSV data, or plain text, awk provides the flexibility and power to extract meaningful insights and create customized reports.

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