Transfer Files using Remote Desktop on Windows Server

How to Transfer Files using Remote Desktop on Windows Server

One of the concerns of users after purchasing VPS is how to transfer and copy important files from personal systems to VPS and vice versa. Naturally, all users will need to transfer and use their files in VPS. Especially site administrators are more involved with this problem than other users and are looking for a solution to solve this problem. To solve this problem, there are various solutions, such as using the Plesk management control panel or others, but in some situations, Plesk, which can be useful in transferring FTP files, may be disrupted in servicing, or you can experience other problems.

Therefore, all users are looking for the simplest, most hassle-free, and fastest solution to transfer the files they need. If you are asking what is the fastest and easiest solution to transfer files from the local system to VPS and vice versa, we must say to be patient because in this article we will teach you the easiest method.

As you know, different operating systems can be run on VPS. since Windows is a very popular operating system among computer users, and there is even a high possibility that you are reading this article from a computer with Windows operating system; Most users usually prefer Windows VPS to host their sites due to their interest and familiarity with the Windows operating system.

The method of transferring files to VPS is different according to the operating system you use, if you are using Linux VPS, the SFTP command is the best and safest way to transfer files from PC to Linux VPS.

If you are using Windows VPS, the best way to share files, folders, and drives of your PC is with Windows VPS, Remote Desktop protocol. If you are eager to learn how to transfer files using Remote Desktop Connection in Windows VPS and learn more about the RDP protocol, read this article to the end.

Definition of Remote Desktop protocol

RDP, which stands for Remote Desktop Protocol, is a graphical interface developed by Microsoft. RDP enables remote access to the server or other computers through a network connection and provides the possibility to manage the server and perform tasks remotely on the system. This means that you can connect to another system such as a server and perform your tasks through a computer, laptop, phone, etc. RDP differs from screen sharing in that it allows you to interact with the target system remotely.

The method of transferring files through the Remote desktop connection is suitable for copying files of any type (executable file, image file, video, text file, etc.) with any size (including small files and integrated files, and voluminous). Also, you don’t need intermediary uploading sites to transfer, and you directly copy the file from the source and place it in the destination. In the method of transferring files to VPS through a Remote Desktop connection, your Local system is added to the VPS as a visible drive.

The Remote Desktop Connection program is supported by all versions of the Windows operating system. RDP is the best way to transfer small files. Also, the appropriate speed in connection with the server is one of the components that you should consider in this field because RDP transfers files between the client and the server through the Internet. Therefore, the speed of file transfer is affected by your connection speed. As a result, it is obvious that the speed of transferring files will not be as fast as copying files between drives locally.

But in Windows operating systems, the best way to transfer files is a Remote desktop connection if you have a good connection speed with the server and the size of your files is not large. Now that you are familiar with RDP, it is time to use RDP to transfer your files from the local device to the server and vice versa. In the following, we will teach the file transfer process using RDP in WindowsVPS.

How to transfer files from local PC to Windows VPS by remote desktop connection

When users buy Windows VPS to host their site, many of their needs in hosting and using server services are solved, but one of the concerns of server administrators may be the transfer of files between Windows VPS and Local PC. We teach the fastest and easiest method, which is Remote Desktop Connection, to transfer files from Windows VPS to Local PC and vice versa.

Method 1: Sharing the drive from Local PC to Windows VPS

Configuring Remote Desktop Connection is the first step to transferring files from the local system to the remote server and vice versa. to connect to Remote Desktop, you need to access Remote Desktop Connection. For this purpose, go to the Start menu and search for Remote Desktop Connection in the Search bar.

Remote desktop connection is displayed with a computer icon and a green arrow, which you must run to connect to the Windows VPS. You can connect to your server by entering the IP address of the VPS and selecting the Connect option.

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection


But our goal is not only remote connection to Windows VPS, but we want to transfer a file from remote Windows VPS to our local system and vice versa. So we need to configure Remote Desktop Connection to allow the copying and pasting of files.

1. To redirect your local workstation’s C: drive, you must do the necessary configurations. In the window that appears after running Remote Desktop Connection, click on “Show Options” to access the Remote Desktop Connection configuration.

configuring the remote desktop connection for Transfering Files

2. In a window that opens, select the General tab. In the General tab, you will see two fields, Computer, and User Name.

Computer field: you must enter the IP of your server.

User name field: you must type your username.

configuring the remote desktop connection for Transfering Files

3. Then in the upper part of the window, select the Local Resources tab so that you can apply the necessary settings for sharing in the remote meeting.

4. In the Local devices and resources subcategory, click on the “More” option.

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop

5. By selecting the “+” arrow next to the “Drives” folder, you can select more options for sharing such as flash drives and CDs, DVD drives, etc. by checking the confirmation box in front of each option.

Therefore, in this section, you can choose the storage space that you intend to share with the remote computer, and finally, after confirming the options you have chosen, click on the “Ok” button. By doing this, you give permission to transfer files from the local system to Windows Server.

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection

6. After the necessary configurations and allowing the sharing of drives and storage space, you can now connect to your remote server (Windows VPS) by clicking the” Connect” option.

configuring the remote desktop connection for Transfering Files

Note: Before connecting to the Windows VPS, you can save the applied settings as an RDP file by referring to the General tab and selecting the” Save” option.

7. To access your files in the Windows VPS, after connecting to the Windows VPS, right-click on the Start menu and then select” File Explorer“.

8. By choosing “This PC “or “Computer” on the left side of the page and then double-clicking “C on WINDOWS10“, you can view the drives whose sharing permission you configured in Remote desktop Connection and access your files and drives in the “Redirected drives and folders” section.

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection

Note: Your local workstation on the server is known as WINDOWS10.

Now you can move the desired files to desired drives by dragging. It should be noted that receiving the “Destination Folder Access Denied” error is one of the most common errors when transferring files and dragging them between drives; don’t worry, restarting RDP and connecting to the server via Remote Desktop Connection as an administrator will fix this error.

Method 2: Transfer files from Windows VPS to your local system and vice versa through Copy and Paste

Transferring files from a Windows VPS to your local system via Remote Desktop Connection is much easier than you might think. Through the Remote Desktop Connection interface, you can easily transfer the file seamlessly from the server to the local system.

After connecting to Windows VPS, you can minimize the desktop screen of Windows VPS and transfer your desired file to your local system. Of course, this is not possible by dragging the file and dropping it on the desktop of your local system.

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection


The easiest way to transfer files from Windows VPS to Local PC is to copy and paste the file between two windows from the desktop page. To do this, follow the steps below.

1. Right-click on the desired file in Windows VPS and select Copy from the opened menu. (To copy files, you can also use the CTRL+C shortcut key.)

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection

2. Then right-click on the desktop of your local system and select the Paste option from the opened menu. (You can also press the CTRL+V button simultaneously to paste.)

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection

Finally, you will see the desired file on your local desktop screen.

Note: In Linux VPS, using the SCP command to copy files from Linux VPS to your local system is the best method.

Method 3: Transfer files from Windows VPS to your local system and vice versa through File Explorer

File Explorer is another way to transfer files from Windows VPS to the local system. In the following, We will teach the steps of transferring files by using File Explorer.

1. Click on File Explorer and select the desired file by left-clicking.

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection

2. On the top bar of the window, select the Home tab.

3. In the Home subcategory, select Move to or Copy to.

4. In the Copy to drop-down menu, select Choose the location and specify the location you want.

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection

5. After specifying the desired destination, click on the Copy button.

Transfer Files using Remote Desktop connection

As a result, your desired file or folder will be transferred to the desired destination. after transferring the file from the remote desktop to the local PC and vice versa, you can end the remote session. Most users likely know how to end a remote desktop session, but If you don’t know we will guide you in this regard.

To exit the remote session, you must right-click on the Start button, so that you can end your work session by selecting the Shut down or sign out indicator from the drop-down menu and clicking on Sign-Out or Disconnect.


In the Copy and Paste method, files with a maximum size of 2 GB are transferred between the local system and Windows VPS. But if you need to transfer files larger than 2 GB, you should use drive synchronization and the ability to share the local system drive on the remote server.

With the help of a remote desktop connection, you can connect from your local system and from any part of the world to a remote system and your Windows VPS with only internet access. You will also be able to manage your virtual server and perform your tasks remotely.

The default RDP port is port number 3389, computers use port 3389 by default to connect to Windows VPS or access remote desktop.


As you can see, file transfer between Windows VPS and your local system via RDP has been much easier than you thought, and you no longer need to worry about how to transfer files and folders from your local system to Windows VPS and vice versa. You can easily share your essential files in Windows VPS.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

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