What to Do After Installing Arch Linux

What to Do After Installing Arch Linux?

Previously, you have read what is Arch Linux article, and you are pretty familiar with Arch and its features. There are enough reasonable reasons to use Arch Linux as a simple, flexible, and lightweight distribution of Linux. To complete the guides of Arch Linux, this article teaches you what to do after installing Arch Linux. So, join us to learn the required steps you should do once the installation is finished. To start working with your favorite distribution, choose a Linux VPS hosting plan at an affordable cost.

Essential steps after installing Arch Linux

Arch Linux provides minimal installation and the rest of things should be done manually. As a user, you need to install your considered applications, desktop environments, and media codecs yourself. Also, to access Arch Linux and explore it, you must build your own Operating System from a base. If you have not installed it yet, or you found any probable issues, follow our article on How to install Arch Linux. Let’s start this tutorial and review all the necessary to do step by step.

Step 1: Update your system

As always, you must start by checking for updates. So, run the command below to update your system.

sudo pacman -Syyu

Step 2: Install a Display Server

Once the installation of Arch Linux is finished, you would see that it comes without GUI. To have an ideal performance and a desktop user-friendly, some settings must be adjusted. To do this, run the following command to install a display server first.

sudo pacman -S xorg

Step 3: Install a Desktop Environment (DE)

Now, Arch Linux is ready to install a desktop environment. Depending on your favorite desktop environment, find the related command and use it.

To install GNOME run:

sudo pacman -S gnome gnome-extra

To install KDE, run:

sudo pacman -S plasma

To install Cinnamon, run:

sudo pacman -S cinnamon nemo-fileroller

To install MATE, run:

sudo pacman -S mate mate-extra

To install XFCE, run:

sudo pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies

Step 4: Install a Display Manager

Once you installed your considered desktop environment, you need to log in to it. A display manager is required for this. Again, you are free to choose one. Run the command of your favorite display manager to install it.

To install LXDM, run:

pacman -S lxdm

Then, enable it:

sudo systemctl enable lxdm.service

To install LightDM, run:

sudo pacman -S lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings

Then, enable it:

sudo systemctl enable lightdm

To install SDDM, run:

sudo pacman -S sddm

Then, enable it:

sudo systemctl enable sddm

Do not forget to enable the display manager you choose. Finally, reboot your system to see the login screen. Once you select the desktop environment from the list, this step is done successfully.

Step 5: Install an Arch User Repository helper

The Arch User Repository (AUR) contains numerous packages and applications. Since it is not possible to fetch these packages directly, we need help. AUR helpers are the programs that fetch packages from AUR. Use the command below to install one of the bests, paru.

sudo pacman -S base-devel git --needed
cd paru
makepkg -si

To fetch packages from AUR, run the following command:


Step 6: Install Additional Kernels

It is a smart decision to consider some kernels to use when the main kernel faces an issue. There are popular kernels available that you can choose to install from the list below. However, you may wish to check your current version of the Linux kernel. You can run the following command to see that easily.

uname -r

Now, let’s back to installing your favorite kernel.

To install the LTS kernel, run:

sudo pacman -S linux-lts linux-lts-headers

To install the Hardened kernel, run:

sudo pacman -S linux-hardened linux-hardened-headers

To install the Zen kernel, run:

sudo pacman -S linux-zen linux-zen-headers

Step 7: Install Microcodes

You are recommended to install microcodes for the sake of stability after installing Arch Linux. Microcode updates are released by processor manufacturers to improve stability and security. These updates include critical bug fixes for your system’s stability. Without them, you may experience unexpected system halts or erroneous crashes that are difficult to track down.

For AMD Processors:

sudo pacman -S linux-firmware
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

For Intel Processors:

sudo pacman -S intel-ucode
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Step 8: Install Web Browsers

It is almost impossible to do our routine tasks without a Web browser. To start browsing, checking mails, and so on, run the related command of your favorite browser.

To install Firefox, run:

sudo pacman -S firefox

To install Google Chrome, run:

yaourt -S google-chrome

To install Opera, run:

sudo pacman -S opera

To install SeaMonkey, run:

sudo pacman -S seamonkey

To install Chromium, run:

sudo pacman -S chromium

To install PaleMoon, run:

yaourt -S palemoon-bin

To install Midori, run:

sudo pacman -S midori

To install Vivaldi

yaourt -S vivaldi

To install QupZilla, run:

sudo pacman -S qupzilla

To install Otter-browser, run:

yaourt -S otter-browser

How to customize Arch Linux after installation

For now, you have installed all the essential things to feel more comfortable with Arch Linux. To customize Arch more than this, continue reading to find what you need for more. Installing themes and conky monitoring tool helps you to customize your Arch Linux. You can change the default theme through setting > appearance.

Use the following command to install some of the most liked themes.

yaourt -S arc-gtk-theme flatplat-theme-git vertex-themes
sudo pacman -S numix-themes

To monitor and display memory usage, CPU statistics, disk storage, swap, CPU temperature, and more, you can use a system manager application. Conky will be installed with the command below for free.

sudo pacman -S conky

To learn more and be capable to control Arch Linux distribution, the Arch Wiki helps you to set up it better.

How to remove applications on Arch Linux

You can do all the steps of this article and do not worry if you need to remove any of the installed applications. Run the command below to remove your considered application.

sudo pacman -R package-name


If you mean a download manager, you can use Mozilla Thunderbird, which is free and open-source. Run the following command to install it.

sudo pacman -S thunderbird


In this article, you learned What to Do After Installing Arch Linux. This guide is just for starting Arch Linux after installation and has some of the most used things on it. But you can find more commands to have more apps on it. However, if you prefer to be far from any hassle, you should use Manjaro, which is based on Arch. Follow our article to know What is Manjaro. Feel free to ask your questions and receive prompt answers.

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