Steps to Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux

How to Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux

DirectAdmin is a web hosting control panel used for Linux OS that makes website managing easy for administrators. Managing user accounts, email accounts, databases, and DNS records, are some of its features that you can use by following this article and learning How to Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux. DirectAdmin is a light and user-friendly web hosting control panel which is quick, affordable, and high-speed.

If you are currently using cPanel and you are looking for an affordable and reliable control panel, DirectAdmin is what exactly you need. Using DirectAdmin, you can manage your reseller account, user account, domains, and more from one interface. CloudLinux is a CentOS-like system targeting shared hosting providers. As a modern web-based hosting platform, DirectAdmin enables companies to provide shared hosting services. So, to experience ideal VPS Hosting, you can choose the DirectAdmin control panel on your server.

Benefits of Installing DirectAdmin on CloudLinux

The web-based Direct Admin graphical web hosting control panel and hosting platform makes administering websites on the server quick and easy. The ability to manage the website at the Admin, Reseller, and User levels is provided by Direct Admin. It is compatible with the majority of Linux operating systems, including CloudLinux, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, and Red Hat, as it only operates on Linux platforms.

One of the advantages of Direct Admin is how lightweight it is. It is also portable, which enables users to use the web browser on their mobile smart devices from anywhere in the world and take advantage of the program’s functions when you install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux. To make website management jobs easier, DirectAdmin is compatible with programs like Apache, MySQL, Exim, PHP, Perl, BIND, and Dovecot. The ideal tool for novice and less experienced users, Direct Admin was created under the exclusive license of JBMC for the simplicity of maintaining websites and may therefore be presented as a cost-effective, dependable control panel with good performance.

Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux gives you access to all the features available in web hosting control panels. Features like phpMyAdmin, MySQL, SSL, web server configuration, SSH, and email server settings are immediately accessible. Additionally, you will get round-the-clock assistance with any problems you may have with the product. DirectAdmin provides the three access levels of Admin, Reseller, and User. The DirectAdmin Web Control Panel makes it simple to create a variety of accounts from the Administrator or Reseller access level. With full access to the server, administrators can establish additional Admin or Reseller accounts in DirectAdmin. User accounts can also be created by resellers.

Join us with this guide to review all the simple required steps to Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux and enjoy all the mentioned features of it.

Prerequisites to Install DirectAdmin Control Panel

To Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux, your machine needs to meet all the below specifications. If you are expecting high traffic levels then you will need more memory, processor power, and hard drive space than we recommend here.

  • A Clean operating system.
  •  Ensure SSH is installed and working.
  • 6.x 32/64-bit, 7.x 64-bit, 8.x 64-bit Version of CloudLinux that is supported by DirectAdmin.
  • A non-root user with sudo privileges.
  • 1 GB of RAM. 2 GB is recommended.
  • 2 GB of swap.
  • 2 GB of disk space.
  • At least 500 MHz Processor.
  • At least 1 Core CPU.
  • A domain that you want to point on DirectAdmin for a hostname.
  • Valid Client ID & License ID from DirectAdmin.
  • At least one static IPv4 address. If you have two IP addresses, it will be good for DNS Server.

Quick Method to Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux

Due to its dependability and cost, DirectAdmin has emerged as one of the market’s top control panels as a result of numerous revisions over the past few years. Now that you prepared the above requirements and purchased your own license, you are ready to proceed with the steps of installing the DirectAdmin control panel on CloudLinux which are easy and simple.

Step 1. Install Wget Command

To go through the installation process, start with Updating your system and installing the Wget command.

yum update

Once you see the question: Is this ok? Enter the Y key to resume updating your server.

Update CloudLinux Server to Install DirectAdmin

After a successful update, run the command below to install the Wget command:

yum install wget

You will be prompted with the same question during the wget installation as last time: Is this okay? and we’ll press the Y key to continue installing wget.

Step 2. Install Required Packages & Repositories

Run the command below for the prerequisite installation of DirectAdmin on CloudLinux.

yum install psmisc net-tools systemd-devel libdb-devel perl-DBI

To continue the installation process, enter the Y key.

Step 3. Disable Firewall

In this step, you should disable the firewall. to do this, type:

setenforce 0

Now, the firewall must be disabled automatically.

Step 4. Download DirectAdmin Installation

It is time to download the DirectAdmin installation script. Simply run the command below to do so.


Then, you can change the downloaded setup file permission with the following command:

chmod 755

In this way, the permission of the downloaded setup file is changed.

Step 5. Run the Installation Script

You are so close to completing Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux. In this step, use the following command to run the Installation Script and Confirm the prerequisite package of DirectAdmin Installation.


After executing the installation script, you will be prompted with a few questions. Confirm the installation of the DirectAdmin packages by selecting Y for each question. Also, you will need to enter the hostname, License key, and client key that DirectAdmin gives.

Note:  Do NOT use a domain that you plan on using for the hostname.

Once the installation is completed, you should be able to access your username and password.

Step 6. Use DirectAdmin on CloudLinux

As the final step. you are ready to access your Directadmin control panel. To start using DirectAdmin, open your browser you can access your IP address along with 2222 port. Also, you must open the 2222 port in the system/cloud firewall. To do this, run:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=2222/tcp

Using the provided URL, you can now access the DirectAdmin Login page, where you can input your username and password to gain access to the Direct Admin control panel environment.

How to DirectAdminAccess Web Interface

You may utilize the interface to create Users, Resellers, manage Domains, and more once you have seen the screen below. Scroll through the dashboard to find various settings and learn about them.

DirectAdmin Dashboard

Congratulations! Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux is finished now. So, you can start using it and enjoy all its brilliant features.


No. You do not need to install services such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, Ftp, Sendmail, etc. They all are pre-installed in DirectAdmin. All you need is a CLEAN install of your operating system.

No. So, you are not recommended to install DirectAdmin on an existing live production server.

You better to choose Isphp as the PHP mode which is recommended by CloudLinux.


In this article, you learned How to Install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux.Choosing a perfect and affordable control panel is one of the administrators’ concerns. Finally, it is up to you to find out which control panel meets your priorities and is reasonable for your budget. If you are interested in learning more, follow our related article on Installing DirectAdmin on Rocky Linux.

If you follow the above steps properly then you can smoothly install DirectAdmin on CloudLinux without any errors but do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems. Our technical support team will try their best to solve your problems.

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