Manjaro vs Arch Linux

How can we know which distribution is better to use? Manjaro vs Arch Linux could be a dilemma for those who are tired of the same old operating systems and looking for a new challenge. To have a full Linux experience you can buy cheap Linux VPS for several reasons including server security hardening and server software testing. Manjaro and Arch Linux distributions offer a unique spin on the classic Linux experience that is sure to pique your interest. But which way should we lean? Before making up our minds we have to explore the differences between Manjaro and Arch Linux to help you decide which distribution is better suited to your needs. Let’s learn about each one individually, compare their advantages over the other one, and see what each one has to offer!

What is Manjaro?

Manjaro is not exactly Linux but it is an Arch Linux-based distribution. Its focus is on user-friendliness and accessibility to users. This distribution’s main goal is to provide a simple, easy-to-use operating system for new and inexperienced Linux users. Manjaro also aims to provide a complete out-of-the-box experience, offering pre-installed applications and all the necessary tools for gettings started with your new system.

While Manjaro shares many similarities with Arch Linux, some key differences set the two distributions apart. One of the most notable differences is that Manjaro is a rolling release distribution, while Arch Linux follows a more traditional release cycle. This means that Manjaro users can always access the up-to-date software, while Arch users need to update their systems regularly and manually.

What is Arch Linux?

Arch Linux, a lightweight and adaptable Linux system, aims to be simple, attractive, and straightforward to install. It needs a fairly easy setup because it is intended to be as near to the bare metal as possible.
One of the most popular distributions among Linux expert users is Arch Linux. Pacman, the package manager included with Arch Linux, is a fantastic option for individuals who want to customize their system because it is both highly powerful and simple to use. The Arch community also offers new users ample documentation and help.

Manjaro vs Arch Linux

To talk about Manjaro vs Arch Linux, you should know some general information before going into detail which we will cover later. If you’re looking for a Linux distribution that’s insubstantial, easy to use, and has a rolling release sequence, then you might be wondering whether Manjaro or Arch Linux is the better option. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages, so it actually depends on your own needs and preferences.

Manjaro is based on Arch Linux and uses a rolling release model, which means that new features and updates are available as soon as they’re released. Arch Linux, on the other hand, is a bit more stable since it has a fixed release plan. This means that new software versions are only made available every 6 months or so after they’ve been thoroughly tested.

If you want the latest software versions as soon as they’re released, then Manjaro is probably the better option. But if you prefer stability over new features, then Arch Linux might be a better choice.

Pros and Cons of Manjaro vs Arch Linux

There are advantages and disadvantages to using Manjaro vs Arch Linux. Here are some of the top things you can consider before choosing Manjaro or Arch Linux.

pros & cons manjaro vs arch linux

Manjaro Pros

  • Manjaro’s best characteristic is how well it manages its desktop environments. This distribution accepts each desktop as it is rather than transforming it into something else. So, after boosting, the first part of the OS you will concentrate on is the Manjaro desktop environment. This is a desktop environment with movable panels, icons, and other components that is appealing and easy to use.
  • The excellent user base welcomes everyone and can help them have a positive digital experience. For novices, the official Manjaro forum is a great resource. For non-English speakers, they also offer forums in more than 29 different languages.
  • Manjaro regularly releases reliable updates. You may quickly update the software without having to reinstall it because the updates are being distributed.
  • Manjaro is appropriate for desktop users due to the Calamares installer and Manjaro Hardware Detection (MHWD). Because of its audio codecs, most recent packages, kernel, and easy updating to the most recent release, it is the best option for novice users.
  • Manjaro is an Arch-based distribution that has the benefit of being substantially more user-friendly than Arch.
  • It is undoubtedly one of the best desktop distributions because it offers excellent functionality. Moreover, very little Memory is used.

Manjaro Cons

  • When stability is compared between Manjaro vs Arch Linux, Manjaro is less stable. It requires upgrades virtually weekly because it is a rolling release. The OS must be manually downloaded, verified, and installed.
  • It’s challenging for Manjaro users to change the default theme. Although it is possible to change the default dark theme. Apps like Firefox, which have the dark theme “hard coded,” are unaffected. This may be modifiable by Linux professionals, but for novice users, it could be challenging.

Arch Linux Pros

  • The dependency management system of Arch Linux and its variations is subpar. It sets up a new application with the required requirements to manage dependencies.
  • Installation of the components required for operation; Unlike Windows, which includes numerous unused tools, Arch OS lets you manually select a list of tools. This optimizes your PC and conserves resources. but makes the initial installation and operational setting more difficult.
  • Your operating system will always be current thanks to the ongoing development methodology known as rolling releases. Unlike the dist-upgrade model, the upgrade is stable.
  • The ARCH OS operating system is well-liked. The operating system has an AUR – Arch User Repository at the expense of a bigger community of both amateur and expert programmers (AUR). Software updates are frequently made to the latter. As a result, you can always find the required Linux utility.
  • Arch OS has its own way of tackling issues and thinking. Users do not have to remove any additional packages. The system provides a brand-new OS assembly; you decide what you need to work as a designer.
  • The majority of file systems are supported by the distribution, including LVM2, REISER, XFS, JFS, BTRFS, and basic EXT 2/3/4. Support for RAID, UDEV, and INUTCPIO is there.
  • Integrity and flexible package management are supported by LINUX ARCH for PACMAN management. With this technology, Syu, a single Pacman command, can be used to upgrade the entire system. pacman – S package name is all it takes to load new versions of packages.
  • The source code for ARCH OS is provided immediately without patches. Source texts are used to collect software packages.
  • Using the Clonezilla tool, the system can clone files. You can create a backup without worrying about failure.

Arch Linux Cons

  • Creating the system necessitates completely manual OS component installation and configuration. Different operations must also be carried out manually using instructions. The community’s popularity growth is stifled by this negative.
  • At some point in the future, such work will irritate and even get on the nerve of professionals. However, compared to friendly Ubuntu, “ARCH” is more stable, and settings and smooth operation “don’t fly” when the next system update is applied.
  • The majority of music players and the programs that make working on a computer easier, like Punto Switcher, are problematic for ARCH. However, this issue can be resolved by searching a repository for analogs.
  • It advertises itself as open-source software for a wide range of users. However, in practice, professionals prefer the distribution kit because the majority of tasks require specific commands to be executed. Simple operations, like installing the utility, require the pacman command – S package name to be entered. Everything is much simpler under “Windows.”
  • There is unquestionably a substantial collection of information available in both Russian and English. However, documentation should be consulted frequently by inexperienced users: Problems can arise during the installation phase; for work, you need at least a basic understanding of how Linux works.
  • When it comes to clarity in Manjaro vs Arch Linux, In Arch Linux it is recommended that you read the operating system’s setup and application instructions before use to avoid confusion.
  • The installer lacks a standard graphic cover. As a result, selecting a repository with the software necessitates using an entry line and basic commands.
  • The inability to test versions of the software is not that good and it is better to wait for the stable version.
  • AUR packages are always susceptible to malicious code. Therefore, manually seeking tools for your tasks is the best option.

Detailed Comparison of Manjaro vs Arch Linux

Considering Manjaro vs Arch Linux, they are both great distributions that offer a myriad of features to help make your computing experience smoother. You can consider the following factors to decide which one is better for you.


you don’t need to more technical knowledge for install manjaro and it has a graphical installer that makes the Linux system’s installation process easier, while Arch Linux needs to be installed manually via a command-line interface, which requires more technical knowledge in Linux systems. Besides this point, the graphic environment of Majaro is user friendly and simple while to properly install Arch Linux you need to at least spend 30 minutes reading the guideline of this operating system.

Rolling Release Model

Both Manjaro and Arch Linux support the rolling release model, which means users continuously receive updates and the latest version of packages. However, there are sometimes several updates a day for manjaro unstable version while only tested updates enter the stable version of Arch Linux. Considering Manjaro vs Arch Linux, Manjaro’s rolling release model is more tailored to provide stability, while Arch Linux’s rolling release can be unstable for some users.

Community Support

As Manjaro had raised above 30 on distrowatch, the community has started to grow, and that contributes to the availability of more support options, whereas the Arch Linux community is more technical, and users are expected to solve most of their issues themselves.


Arch Linux is a minimalist distribution that provides users with complete control over the operating system. This also means that the user is responsible for managing their system’s security, updates, and packages. Manjaro, on the other hand, is designed to be more user-friendly than Arch Linux, while still providing users with a high degree of customization and control. Manjaro’s security features are comparable to Arch Linux and both offer a secure OS.


Manjaro has its software repository where the most commonly used packages are tested and made available to users. Arch Linux’s repository operates on the latest version of packages, and users can access third-party packages via the Arch User Repository.

Package Management

Arch Linux’s rolling release schedule ensures that users receive the latest packages and updates as soon as they become available, ensuring that their system is always up-to-date. The package manager, Pacman, is a powerful tool that allows users to install, update, and remove packages with ease, and it also verifies package signatures for added security. On the other hand, Manjaro’s package manager, Pamac, is a graphical tool that allows users to easily search for and install packages from Manjaro’s repositories. Pamac also simplifies the process of updating and removing packages. As a result, Manjaro may not always have the latest packages available, but users can be certain that the packages they do have are safe and reliable.

These are some of the significant differences between Manjaro and Arch Linux. However, other factors like user interface, default software, and customization options also differ between Linux distributions.

Manjaro vs Arch Linux comparison Table

FieldsManjaroArch Linux
UsersMore user friendlyProper for more experienced users
UpdatesOnce or twice a month is enough for the stable branchOnce or twice a month is enough
Installing and ConfigurationEasier to install especially for beginner users- simpler and more elegant graphicsEasy to install yet a bit more complicated than Manjaro and if you study its guide, it will take about 30 minutes.- more customizable
ForumHas one and you can ask and answer questions to master the projectHas one and you can require assistance to improve your knowledge
PackagesHas a command-line-based package management tool including Pacman and PamacIt uses Pacman and you can use the same pacman commands to handle packages
Documentation and supportWiki pageWiki page
Desktop environmentsany desk Support- provides different ISO like Xfce, KDE and GNOME, MATE, Cinnamon, LXDE, LXQt, OpenBox, and more.any desk support
AUR accessDoes not supportArch User Repository is a community-driven source for Arch-based Linux distributions users
Drivers supportgreat support for GPU drivers- easy installation- gives the option of automatic installationissues installing drivers (Specially Nvidia)- you have to install the proper drives yourself
Hardware detection toolMHWD is another GUI tool used and developed by ManjaroDoes not have another tool besides Pacman
SoftwareRolling release model- updating packages in Manjaro unstable several times daily.Rolling release model-putting packages in the testing repository to be tested and then put in the stable’s repository.


Both Manjaro and Arch Linux are regarded as stable distributions, while Manjaro is seen to be more so. This is because before updates are made available to users, Manjaro does further testing and quality assurance. While in Arch Linux, updates are given more regularly with a rolling release distribution and consequently there is a greater danger of bringing instability into the system.

The main differences coming to mind in the field of Manjaro vs Arch Linux are the user interface, package management, and support. Manjaro has an easy graphical user interface and pre-configured packages while Arch Linux has a manual. Additionally, Manjaro provides more community support than Arch due to its larger user base.

Both of them make use of the Pacman package manager; however, Manjaro also includes Pamac (another package manager). Pamac makes it simpler for users to identify and install new applications by offering a graphical interface for managing packages. On the other side, Arch Linux is prominent for its manual configuration requirements and minimalist approach to package management.

There are two main ways to install Arch Linux: the AUR or the official repositories. The official repositories contain both binary and source packages, while the AUR only contains source packages. If you wish to have the updated versions, you should use the official repositories; however, if you want to keep an eye on the installations we recommend using AUR.

Manjaro is available for download from a variety of sources. The most popular source for Manjaro is the official website, which offers a wide range of versions and support options. Other popular sources for Manjaro include the Arch Linux AUR, GitHub, and SourceForge.


If you’re looking for a user-friendly distribution with easy installation and a broad range of packages available, then Manjaro is probably going to be the best choice for you. However, if you’re a more experienced user of Linux or wish to have complete control over your system’s configuration files and package management system, then Arch Linux might just be your best choice. In the end, though the best choice is based on your personal preference; so why not try both out and see which one works best for you?

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Alejandro Publish in April 25, 2024 at 5:52 am

"If you want the latest software versions as soon as they’re released, then Manjaro is probably the better option. But if you prefer stability over new features, then Arch Linux might be a better choice." You mixed the names. Manjaro is more stable, Arch has newer versions. Cheers