Fedora vs Ubuntu
The large family of Linux by presenting each of its distributions makes users more attracted to the Linux operating system because with each of the Linux distributions you can experience an exciting world with diverse and helpful features. Ubuntu and Fedora are two popular and prominent Linux distributions that, along with their similarities, their differences have made it difficult for Linux users to choose between Ubuntu and Fedora.
Ubuntu is the most widely used Linux distribution that most Linux users have had the experience of using, but Fedora was not recommended for Linux beginners at the beginning of its release, while today, with its progress, it becomes suitable for beginner users.
Therefore, today, it has become very difficult to decide between different Linux distributions with their improvements; users are eager to use all Linux distributions, but all people are looking for the best and most efficient operating system according to their goals and needs. Some users are interested in using Ubuntu and Fedora but choosing between Fedora and Ubuntu has become a challenge for them and they do not know which one is more ideal for their purposes.
If you are planning to buy Linux VPS and are interested in the two popular distributions Ubuntu and Fedora, this article can guide you in your decision; because in this article we will examine Ubuntu vs fedora and will explain the key differences between Fedora and Ubuntu. You will also learn about the pros and cons of Ubuntu and Fedora, which will make it easier for you to choose between Fedora and Ubuntu.
What is Ubuntu?
Users who favor Opera VPS and have already read our articles can skip this part of the article because they are well acquainted with the Ubuntu OS through our educational article. We have intended this section of the article for users who have no familiarity with Ubuntu. Ubuntu operating system is a free and open-source distribution of Linux, which was developed based on the older Debian operating system in 2004 by the British company Canonical, and was introduced to Linux users as a more user-friendly alternative to Debian.
With the support of Canonical, Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months and has a regular release cycle where each version is supported for 9 months. Canonical also provides hosting servers for the Ubuntu community, allowing people worldwide to contribute to testing software bugs, answering questions, and providing technical support for free.
Ubuntu supports server and desktop versions and used GNOME for its graphical user interface by default from Ubuntu version 17.10 onwards.
In terms of security, like other Linux distributions, Ubuntu is safe against viruses and security attacks and has a data privacy policy. Ubuntu has a large support community that continuously checks and corrects its security vulnerabilities, so it has fewer security flaws in terms of security. In the following, we will introduce you to Ubuntu’s pros and cons.
Pros | Cons |
Ease of installation, management, and use | The need for technical knowledge to solve some problems |
The ability to customize based on needs | not suitable for beginner |
Stable, fast, and light | Unsuitable for game development from the perspective of gamers |
Open source and free | Has compatibility problems, especially with Windows software |
It has a regular release cycle and is always up-to-date | Lack of support for some applications |
Having excellent community support from the global canonical and FOSS communities | |
Support desktop, server, and Internet of Things version | |
Has an improved and user-friendly graphical user interface | |
Safe against viruses and malware | |
Support for a wide range of free software | |
Minimal hardware requirements and the ability to run Ubuntu on systems with limited resources |
Features of Ubuntu
- GNOME is implemented by default as the Ubuntu desktop environment, which allows for customization.
- Ubuntu, with full hardware support, allows users to install new printers, drivers, WiFi cards, graphics adapters, etc. for efficient work.
- Users can launch their desired programs from the Ubuntu repository. Ubuntu has an intuitive interface that helps users find programs, files, and other items on the desktop seamlessly.
- It has an integrated desktop environment with various types of files such as audio, video, and photo lenses, etc.
- Ubuntu allows users to access emails by providing Thunderbird software.
- Ubuntu has a smart search engine to find the desired content in the Ubuntu system.
- UFW firewall is installed by default on Ubuntu to improve system security by controlling and managing incoming and outgoing traffic.
- In Ubuntu, AppArmor software is responsible for security management, which controls mandatory access based on the name and access of programs.
What is a fedora?
Fedora is an open-source distribution of Linux that was first released in 2003 and is supported by Red Hat company. This operating system entered the market under the name of the Fedora core project after RedHat Linux stopped working. While the RedHat Linux version was available to users in a paid and commercial way, Fedora Core was a Linux project that was published for public use and was free, so RedHat decided to invest in the Fedora Core project. New versions of RedHat Linux, introduced as RedHat Enterprise, are based on Fedora Core. Therefore, Fedora can be introduced as an upstream source for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Fedora focuses on the performance of Linux in integration with new technologies and innovation and offers the latest software for Linux. It also follows a fast and regular release schedule, the release and update period of Fedora distributions is 6 to 8 months; For this reason, it has been able to continue operating as a popular operating system after 14 years in the market and also has many fans.
Fedora has attracted the attention of many users due to its high security and general utility. Fedora provides the Gnome desktop environment by default, but developers have tried to expand the features of Gnome, so you will have a new and modern experience of Gnome in Fedora, which provides access to the latest and most up-to-date technologies.
This distribution is available in different themes and colors, and its support community has assigned the term spins to this feature. Each spin of this distribution uses a different desktop environment instead of GNOME. In general, Fedora supports Plasma, XFCE, LXQT, Mate-Compiz, Cinnamon, LXDE, and SOAS environments, and each Fedora spin can use one of these DEs. Fedora supports desktop and server versions, but Fedora is preferred for desktop use. We have already talked about what Fedora is, and you can learn more about the attractive Fedora operating system through our educational article. In the following, we will mention the advantages and disadvantages of Fedora and introduce you to its features.
Pros | Cons |
Open source and free | Fast release cycle and the requirement to update the operating system regularly |
Ease of use without the need for technical and specialized knowledge | Instability due to fast update program |
High security (equipped with SELinux security module) | The problem of compatibility with old hardware and minimal hardware resources |
Following a regular release schedule | The need to install a third-party repository to install non-free packages |
Providing the most up-to-date packages and technologies | The necessity of installing auxiliary and additional programs to use the Fedora server version |
reliable support team through the support of large online forums and the RedHat company of Fedora | |
Fast and reliable | |
Compatible with Docker | |
Suitable for developers and DevOps team | |
ease of customizing the desktop according to your needs due to pre-installing minimal packages in fedora | |
Ease of installing Fedora | |
Compatible with KVM Hypervisor and suitable for creating and restoring virtual machines | |
Support for the most important software versions | |
Ease of use of dnf package management in Fedora compared to other Linux distributions |
Features of Fedora
- Provides a customized GNOME desktop environment compared to Ubuntu.
- Allows you to select spins with selected desktop environments such as KDE Plasma, Xfce, etc. that are already configured.
- Fedora supports useful programs by default, for example, Firefox as a web browser, LibreOffice to download software for free such as Microsoft Office, and Evolution software for email clients.
- Fedora has strengthened granular security control by implementing the SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) module to isolate applications from each other.
- Offers live mode tools.
- Fedora uses Delta RPM packages.
- Fedora provides the ability to automatically update the operating system to take advantage of the latest features.
Key differences between Ubuntu and Fedora
Despite their similarities, Fedora and Ubuntu distributions have key differences that distinguish them from each other and make it difficult to decide between Ubuntu and Fedora. The differences between Linux distributions are mainly in package management, default desktop environments, support teams, release and installation cycle programs, and we will examine these factors in the case of Ubuntu and Fedora. First, we mention the general things that Fedora and Ubuntu differ from each other:
- Fedora uses the dnf/rpm/Flatpak package manager and Ubuntu uses the apt/dpkg/snap package manager.
- Ubuntu is supported by Canonical and Fedora is supported by RedHat.
- Ubuntu uses AppArmor as a security mechanism, while Fedora uses the SELinux module to improve security.
- The desktop environment of both is Gnome by default, but Ubuntu uses customized GNOME, while Fedora is equipped with Vanilla GNOME and provides the possibility of using another desktop option.
In summary, we mentioned their basic differences. In the following, we will examine each of these factors in more detail so that you don’t need to do more research and read another article. In this article, you will reach the right decision in choosing between Ubuntu and Fedora.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: package management
Package management is one of the main differences in most Linux distributions, which is software that simplifies the installation of packages and applications. Ubuntu uses apt, dpkg, and Snap as package management to manage and provide software such as libraries, programs, and other codes.
APT package management (Advanced Package Manager) downloads and installs software dependencies automatically, and this is one of the prominent features of APT package management. Also, the snap package manager in Ubuntu is a global package system supported by Canonical. Fedora uses dnf, rpm, and Flatpak package management to facilitate the installation and management of packages and dependencies.
The dnf package manager can automatically update Fedora repository packages, which this feature is not available in the Ubuntu package manager, and the Flatpak package manager is distribution agnostic.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: Software Availability
Since Fedora and Ubuntu use the GNOME GUI by default, both Linux distributions have vast software repositories to make it easier for their users to install software and not need to install software from another source. The difference is that the Fedora software repository does not support the installation of packages and non-free programs and only offers open-source programs, so you will have to install a third-party repository to install non-free software.
Fedora supports third-party .rpm software, while third-party deb. packages are supported in Ubuntu for installation, provided by the Ubuntu repositories. Of course, in Linux, all problems have a solution, so installing the RPM Fusion repository can solve Fedora’s weakness in installing non-free software.
Note that most software repositories provide both deb and rpm files, and if the software has shared the deb file, it is impossible that its rpm file is not provided, but we have considered exceptions; In some rare cases, it has been observed that only the deb file is provided for software.
Fedora vs Ubuntu: Stability
Ubuntu supports a regular release cycle program that releases a new version of Ubuntu every 6 months and is supported for 9 months. In addition to the regular version, Ubuntu offers the LTS (the long-term support) version, which is released every 2 years and is supported for 5 years. If you are looking for stability, you can prefer the LTS version of Ubuntu and not have to update the operating system at intervals of 6 months; but if you are interested in continuous change and development and looking to use the most up-to-date features and capabilities, the normal version of Ubuntu creates this advantage for you.
But about Fedora, we must say that Fedora releases its new version every 6 months and its new version is supported for 13 months, but within 6 to 13 months, Fedora users are condemned to upgrade their operating system to the latest version. Fedora’s fast release cycle is the ideal feature for users who are excited and interested in using the most advanced and latest features, but it may be considered a defect for some users who do not want to constantly update their operating system and face new challenges You will also need a strong internet connection and approximately 1.5 GB of the internet to update Fedora, which you should consider.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: Desktop environments
Both Ubuntu and Fedora offer the GNOME desktop environment by default, with the difference that Ubuntu provides users with a customized GNOME that is similar to its former Unity desktop.
In addition to supporting the GNOME desktop environment, Ubuntu and Fedora also support other desktop environments. Ubuntu offers Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu in different desktop flavors, but Fedora allows users to choose different desktop environments such as KDE Plasma, Xfce, etc. which are already configured. The main Fedora team offers different desktop environments in the form of Fedora Spin.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: Installation
As you know and we have already taught the steps of installing Ubuntu, installing Ubuntu is very simple. Ubuntu installs easily in 20 minutes thanks to its popular Ubiquity installer, and even the Ubuntu installer will install updates and third-party codecs when installing Ubuntu. Ubiquity installer is one of the lovely features of Ubuntu that has made installing the Linux operating system, which was one of the most challenging issues in the past, very simple. Ubuntu users will have the ability to dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu with the help of the Ubiquity installer with a few clicks.
Regarding the installation of Fedora, it should be said that the process of installing Fedora is facilitated with the help of the Anaconda installer, but the Ubuntu installer is superior to the Fedora installer in this comparison. The Anaconda installer in Fedora cannot handle the complexity of tasks such as deleting drives and existing partitions and formatting them, you will still have a challenge in performing such tasks. If you intend to install Fedora and are looking for a helpful article to install Fedora, in the previous article, we have taught how to install Fedora 36 Workstation & Server.
If we want to conclude which one is easier to install, fedora or ubuntu? In our opinion, Ubuntu can be installed faster and easier.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: Support
As we explained at the beginning of the article, Ubuntu is developed and supported by Canonical and Fedora by Red Hat. This organizational support gives credibility and confidence to Linux distributions and guarantees that the distribution project will not be stopped after a short period of time.
In addition to organizational support, Community Support is also important in supporting a Linux distribution because Linux users always look for a site consisting of the main Linux distribution forum to solve their problems and find answers to their questions. Due to Ubuntu’s popularity, many blogs and websites have focused on Ubuntu, and two main forums, UbuntuForums, and Ask Ubuntu guide Ubuntu users in various fields. Fedora also has an Ask Fedora main forum, which is a helpful resource for answering your questions. In general, in this comparison, it can be concluded that more materials are available for learning and troubleshooting Ubuntu problems.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: Hardware support
Linux distributions are often incompatible with graphics cards and Wi-Fi adapters. Ubuntu uses a special method to improve hardware compatibility in installing proprietary drivers and thus improves hardware support. Fedora only supports the open-source software, so installing proprietary drivers on Fedora will not be easy. As a result, both will have problems related to hardware compatibility, but Ubuntu can be considered more compatible than Fedora.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: Windows Subsystem Support for Linux
Windows Subsystem for Linux was an efficient and intelligent project from Microsoft for Windows users who can benefit from Linux features in the Windows environment. Windows Subsystem for Linux provides the possibility of using the facilities and tools of Linux distributions for Windows users without the need to master technical knowledge. Ubuntu is available In WSL 2, but Fedora is not supported by Windows Subsystem.
Fedora vs Ubuntu: Security
Security is always an important issue and in the Internet world there is no guarantee to provide 100% security, but we are trying to improve the security of our systems, so we try to choose options that are more secure compared to other options.
Linux operating systems are much safer than Windows, but it cannot be said that Linux operating systems are immune from security risks. In Ubuntu, only the Root user account has permission to make basic changes, and the AppArmor software manages and controls the security of Ubuntu. AppArmor software manages mandatory access based on name and app access.
Fedora is also very safe. In addition to restricting the permission of changes in Fedora, it is trying to increase the security of the system through the SELinux security module. The SELinux security module works excellently in improving Fedora’s security profile, and if you know how to use Fedora’s security module features, you’ll have better control over Fedora’s operating system processes. So it provides more security than AppArmor.
Fedora vs Ubuntu: Gaming
Since Ubuntu is much more compatible than Fedora in using Windows software, it is recommended to run Windows-only games in Ubuntu because you will face problems in Fedora. In general, by providing access to dedicated video card drivers and a reliable Steam client, both of them have prepared the conditions for creating a wonderful gaming experience.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: Using Sudo
In Fedora and Ubuntu, users can have user accounts with Sudo privileges. The only difference between Ubuntu and Fedora is that Ubuntu’s admin group is Sudo, while in Fedora it is Wheel.
It is interesting to know that Fedora and Ubuntu refuse to allow a user to enter the system without root permission, that’s why you can change privileges to the root user in Fedora by using thesudo su
command, and this is possible in Ubuntu by using thesudo-s
command. By doing this, your user will not become a root user, but the user account will become a shell with administrative privileges.
Fedora vs Ubuntu: performance
Various factors such as hardware, system configuration, selected desktop environment, package management, boot speed, and I/O performance are effective in checking the speed and performance of Fedora vs Ubuntu. In general, Linux distributions are superior in speed and performance compared to other operating systems.
Since the desktop environment affects the speed and performance, Fedora Linux vs Ubuntu is not much different in terms of desktop environment because both of them offer different desktop environments in addition to their default desktop environment (GNOME). Therefore, depending on your chosen desktop environment, you will have a different experience. On the other hand, the hardware configuration significantly affects the operating system’s performance. Ubuntu may have a faster booting compared to Fedora, but Fedora excels in package management and I/O performance. In most of the tests conducted to check the difference between Fedora and Ubuntu in terms of speed and performance, Fedora won this comparison and is more ideal than Ubuntu for working with web servers and debuggers.
Ubuntu vs Fedora: for development
Ubuntu and Fedora are popular and good choices for development purposes and provide the tools and performance that developers need to achieve their goals. To answer the question, Ubuntu or Fedora? Which one should we choose for development? It must be said that Ubuntu is a popular and stable distribution with a large user base and an active community that is available to troubleshoot user issues and provide valuable solutions to common development issues.
Also, Ubuntu’s Snap feature and support for the internal Snap store are another Ubuntu advantage for programmers. In terms of hardware compatibility, ease of use, and installation of additional dedicated drivers, Ubuntu is superior to Fedora. Because installing additional dedicated drivers in Fedora is not so easy, but Fedora provides developers with the latest platforms and facilities by supporting extensive libraries, the newest software versions, and regular security updates.
Finally, Ubuntu and Fedora can support development tasks, but Ubuntu can be introduced as the most widely used Linux operating system for software development. To choose the most appropriate operating system for software development and code deployment, consider your development needs, preferred software versions, stability requirements, and comfort level with each operating system, and then decide.
Fedora Server vs Ubuntu Server
Fortunately, in addition to the desktop version, Fedora and Ubuntu also support the server version, and their server version has as many fans as the desktop version. To compare of ubuntu server vs fedora server, in addition to the factors that are important in the desktop version, other factors may also be noticed for optimal performance on the server side. One of the important factors in improving the operating system’s performance on the server side is the operating system’s stability. Usually, the preference of sysadmins is an operating system that does not need to be upgraded in short intervals.
In this comparison, Fedora needs to be updated and restarted every 6 months, and users may face new challenges after upgrading. Therefore, between Fedora and Ubuntu, users who are looking for stability should choose Ubuntu. If the user has experience using Ubuntu on the desktop, he will be more inclined to use Ubuntu on the server. Some jobs require knowledge and use of RHEL, so Fedora is preferred for these types of users. Fedora can effectively respond to the needs of such users, by providing an environment similar to Red Hat Enterprise (RHEL) for free.
Which is better for beginners between Fedora and Ubuntu?
Ubuntu is ideal for beginners because it has a more user-friendly GUI and is very simple to use. Also, by providing the LTS version, Ubuntu does not need regular updates, so users are safe from new challenges after the update. We recommend Fedora to developers because of providing an advanced platform and continuous change and evolution, who can make the best use of Fedora's new features by mastering the technical knowledge.
is fedora more secure than ubuntu?
Yes, because Fedora has more frequent updates, it actively releases patches and security fixes to fix vulnerabilities. In addition, Fedora uses a targeted security policy to protect network daemons and the SELinux security module to enhance security.
Is Fedora Better Than Ubuntu?
In this article, we examined Ubuntu and Fedora in detail from every aspect and compared their advantages and disadvantages and key differences. These two Linux distributions have the same functionality and are also similar in some features, but they have differences that complicate the choice between them.
Ubuntu is more popular among users and has many forums and forums to support Ubuntu compared to Fedora which is an advantage. Also, in terms of providing the LTS version and 5-year support, it eliminates the requirement to update and restart the operating system every 6 months, so it is a more reasonable and stable option for use on the server. In addition, the installation of drivers and access to a variety of software are other advantages of Ubuntu that can be seen in this comparison.
On the other hand, if you are interested in RHEL and your business relies on RHEL, Fedora is the best choice for providing the same features as RHEL for free. Fedora offers new and innovative features, and users with a little knowledge of Linux can benefit from Fedora’s advanced environment to advance their goals.
Finally, in response to whether Ubuntu is better or Fedora? This choice depends on your Linux skill level and your needs. The best choice should be based on your goals and needs. We hope that reading this article has guided you well in choosing between Ubuntu and Fedora.
Thank you for reading this article to the end.
why use fedora over ubuntu?
Choosing between Ubuntu and Fedora depends on personal preferences, specific requirements, and technical expertise. Fedora is a user-friendly operating system that has implemented strong security measures to improve security, offers the latest features and software versions, and is faster than Ubuntu.
why fedora is better than ubuntu?
Fedora meets the needs of many users by providing the latest and most advanced software and facilities. Also, Fedora is a community-oriented distribution that allows participation in open-source projects and the pleasure of experiencing new technologies. Also, Fedora provides a platform for innovation and testing for RHEL, and in terms of security, it has implemented valuable security features.