Clear DNS Cache in Windows, Linux & Chrome
Although the operating systems perform the troubleshooting process automatically, sometimes you have to play a role in these troubleshooting processes manually. Perhaps for many users, especially beginners, troubleshooting the operating system is a difficult responsibility, while by reading several useful educational resources and learning without the need for technical expertise, you can easily fix operating […]
How to Use Port Knocking in Linux to Secure SSH Server
Knock-Knock! Do you need to protect your Linux system from automated port scanners to secure the SSH server? Join us with this guide to learn How to Use Port Knocking in Linux to Secure SSH Server. By creating a connection attempt on a set of predetermined closed ports, port knocking is a technique used in […]
Log File in Linux: Everything about View & Setup Linux Logs
As a Linux administrator, you must be able to troubleshoot system issues. So, log files that are created and stored by your Linux system, bring you all the helpful information about applications and boot processes. Log File in Linux will be explained in this article, and in the end, you will know everything about View […]
How to Create Large Files bigger than 1 GB in Linux
Creating a file to store and organize data is one of the tasks of Linux users. We usually create an empty file and then import or transfer content to that file, We all do this to organize data. But sometimes the developers need a file of a specific size in special situations such as troubleshooting […]
How to Install and Set Up Apache Tomcat on Windows
Apache Tomcat is a free and open-source web server written in the Java program language. It implements the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Expression Language, and Web Socket technologies. In this article, you will learn How to Install and Set Up Apache Tomcat on Windows. While Tomcat is not a full JEE server, it is a java […]
How to Install Ruby on Ubuntu
Ruby is one of the most popular open-source, object-oriented, dynamic, and general-purpose programming languages, which is very similar to a spoken language due to its simple syntax. The advantages of the Ruby programming language have made it popular among developers in various fields such as web/application development, data analysis, and memory management. The most important […]
How to Install Caddy on Linux
Do you still receive the message that your website is ‘’Not Secure’’ while submitting login information on Chrome or Firefox? Install Caddy on Linux eliminates this issue. Caddy is a simple and secure web server that helps you with better website hosting. Since Caddy manages SSL/TLS certificates using Let’s Encrypt automatically to enable HTTPS, you […]
How to Create Swap Space in Linux
The operating system moves programs to the main RAM to run them. Modern operating systems can support the simultaneous execution of several background services and programs, but due to the limitation of the system’s main memory, users usually face problems when running several programs. This disorder happens because the memory required to run programs simultaneously […]
How to Partition and Format Storage Devices on Linux
Partitioning and formatting storage devices in Linux is one of the key tasks of Linux system administrators to better manage the operating system. Linux administrators perform formatting and partitioning processes to perform tasks such as managing available Storage Devices space, erasing and modifying file systems, preparing storage media for use, fixing errors, or deleting data.
How to Use Time Command in Linux
As a Linux administrator or a normal user, you will find learning Linux commands useful to move on and do the tasks correctly. One of the most efficient commands of Linux is the Time command which shows ”real time”, ”user time”, and ”sys time” information. In this article, you will learn How to Use Time […]
How to Install and Configure Redis on Ubuntu
Developers install Redis on Ubuntu to speed up the projects while maps, lists, and sets will be stored. they also use Redis as a cache and message broker. Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine. Join us with this article to learn how to […]
Install and Configure NFS on Ubuntu [Network File System]
If you need to share common data among different client systems, you will find NFS helpful for sharing directories and files with other clients. In this article, you will learn how to Install and Configure NFS on Ubuntu. Network File Share (NFS) is a protocol used to share files and directories over a network of […]