Liosa F

Content Writer ( 194 Articles )

I love technology, learning, growth, and building connections. This passion has driven me to become a writer, using the power of words to communicate and assist the progress of enthusiasts.

How to Check CentOS Version

How to Check CentOS Version

Our post’s topic is the attractive CentOS distribution of Linux and how to check the version of CentOS on your system or server. CentOS, which stands for Community Enterprise Operating System, is a famous and beloved operating system among Linux users, which is used by almost 30% of all Linux web servers. CentOS is developed […]

How to Install Arch Linux OS

How to Install Arch Linux OS

The ArchLinux operating system is one of the most famous distributions based on the Linux kernel and is an independent and multipurpose development based on the x86-64 GNU/Linux distribution that tries to provide the necessary platform for stable versions of most software. Arch Linux OS is a popular choice for experienced Linux users; It has […]

Create Directory in Linux using mkdir Command

Create Directory in Linux using mkdir Command

The popular Linux operating system has a complex and extensive world; the reliability and compatibility of Linux have made it a popular choice for users and is used to facilitate the performance of various tasks. As you know, the Linux terminal is one of its powerful features that makes it possible to perform a wide […]

shared hosting vs vps

Shared Hosting vs. VPS

When you decide to launch and design a website for a specific purpose, choosing and buying the most suitable type of hosting service to store the site’s contents and also to make your site available to the public on the Internet is one of the most difficult decisions. Especially if you don’t have the experience […]

How to Setup and Using SSH Key on Linux Server

How to Setup and Using SSH Key on Linux Server

With the evolution of technology and the new expectations of consumers and businesses, accessing and managing systems from a distance is now essential. So, we cannot even imagine the impossibility of accessing a network or system remotely. The security of these communications is also an important issue.

cloud computing

All about Cloud computing

Wherever there is talk of technology and progress, computer science and related technologies shine more than anything else because many human successes and advances, such as the aerospace industry, depend on the powerful processing power of computer systems; also massive data calculations and modeling, statistical analysis, and other cases rely on the same processing power […]

what is shared hosting

What is Shared Hosting?

To start a site, you need a host or server to store and make the site available. By searching your site’s address in the browser, the storage location of your site is determined. The browser requests information related to the site from the server, and you will see the web page in the browser by […]

remote work with rdp

Remote Work with RDP Server: A Good & Smart Solution

Today, with the help of new technologies, it is possible to do professional work remotely. Maybe ten years ago, telecommuting was a dream for many people, but today telecommuting is one of the most common and necessary solutions for the survival of many businesses.

what is kubernetes

What is Kubernetes?

If you’re browsing the article titled ” What is Kubernetes, ” you’ve never heard of Kubernetes before and are curious to know more about it. The purpose of these resources is to introduce you to Kubernetes and inform you about the benefits and uses of Kubernetes, as well as the features it offers to its […]

difference between vds and vps

VDS vs VPS: Differences between VDS and VPS

Today, many companies and organizations operate online and need servers inexpensive with efficient capabilities, and usually, the first choice of businesses for hosting is shared hosting due to its low cost, but after a while, with the increase in visits and traffic of the site will make them realize that shared hosting does not meet […]

best linux distributions for beginners

Best Linux distribution for beginners

The Linux operating system, which is very popular nowadays, is a crowded family, each distribution offering different features and functionality. To enter this family, you need to choose the appropriate distribution with knowledge and skills that meets your needs and goals; keep in mind the fact that all Linux distributions are not suitable for people […]

what is kubuntu

what is Kubuntu?

Today’s article is about another member of the famous and lovable Linux family, which these days has received attention due to its free distributions and the open-source nature of this operating system; it has been able to direct Windows and macOS users to itself by providing special advantages compared to other operating systems.

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