Content Writer ( 246 Articles )Hello everyone, I'm Ashley Ember. My background lies in electronics, and that foundation ignited a passion for explaining the intricacies of IT. Whether you're grappling with a Windows hurdle or embarking on a new Linux adventure, I aim to provide clear and concise instructions to assist you in your technical endeavors. The most rewarding aspect, however, is the collaborative nature of troubleshooting. Each challenge we overcome together presents a valuable learning opportunity, for both you and me. So, please, don't hesitate to reach out with your IT questions. Together, we can transform them into enriching learning experiences.
How to Fix sudo: command not found Error in Linux?
sudo command not found error means sudo package is not installed or PATH variable does not include sudo’s directory. To fix this bash error, you can install sudo in linux using apt install sudo command (apt package manager for Debian-based distributions).
How to Encrypt Disk During and After Installing Ubuntu
In the digital developing world, data security comes first. Sensitive data must be encoded into encrypted to be protected. Encrypt disk in Ubuntu ensures that important data will be saved if the storage fails or is stolen.
How to Fix MySQL Error 1045: Access Denied for User
The Access Denied errors usually occur when the server believes you are not permitted to take your considered action. One of these situations is when logging in to the MySQL server. In this article, you will learn How to fix MySQL Error 1045 and be able to access your database files. Not having the correct […]
14 Best IP Scanner Tools in 2024 to Manage Network
Various devices can connect to a computer network. For security reasons, identifying the information of active devices in detail and their IP addresses makes sense. As an IT admin, using the best IP scanner tools enables you to find vulnerabilities to fix them and protect your system and network. Network and IP scanning can be […]
How to Install Django on Ubuntu for Web Development
Django is a free and open-source framework written in Python that is designed to help developers, governments, top technology companies, and organizations develop their websites and applications. In this article, you will learn How to Install Django on Ubuntu through four different methods. As the most popular framework, Django is used in the development of […]
How do I Block and Unblock Website on Mikrotik?
Sometimes, a Mikrotik administrator must block social media websites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Telegram, Netflix, etc. Also, it is sometimes required to block all websites except one. This article covers three different methods to Block Website on Mikrotik. In contrast to other firewall devices, MikroTik Firewall automatically permits all websites. Therefore, you must construct a […]
How to Install PHP on Windows with 3 Simple Steps
PHP is a free and open-source scripting language created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995. Various platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, and macOS support PHP. In this article, you will learn How to Install PHP on Windows. PHP runs on the server and enables admins to create dynamic page content, […]
Install NVM on Ubuntu to Use Multiple Versions of Node.js
Using multiple versions of Node.js and switching between them requires NVM installed on your system. You might need to do a project that specific Node.js versions are its prerequisites. So, let’s learn How to Install NVM on Ubuntu. NVM supports both Linux and macOS and works on all operating systems. On Linux, the NVM, also […]
Linux Configuration Files ➞ Complete Explanation and Editing
Without the editing Linux configuration files knowledge, you are not even close to being a perfect Linux administrator. What is happening inside the Linux operating system? Do not worry, this tutorial responds!
Install Wireshark in Ubuntu & Use to Analyze Network Packet
Wireshark is a free and open-source network protocol analyzer that is available on all major desktop operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, BSD, and more. In this article, you will learn How to Install Wireshark in Ubuntu and use it to analyze network packet on Ubuntu and other Ubuntu-based distributions. As a Linux administrator who […]
Use cp Command in Linux to Copy File Easily
Copying files and directories is one of the routine tasks that a Unix/Linux user undertakes every day. cp command in Linux is a command-line tool that is used to copy files or groups of files or directories. cp is one of the essential Linux commands that you must know. It is actually short for copy […]
How to Install Slack on Ubuntu
Technology changes our lifestyle. In today’s digital world, working with a coworker doesn’t always require being in the same place. Slack is one of the platforms that allows people to communicate regardless of their location. Install Slack on Ubuntu comes with 4 different techniques, and you will learn all of them in this article. As […]