How to Connect to Cisco AnyConnect VPN?

To connect to Cisco Anyconnect on windows, mac, android and ios, you must download the Cisco Secure Mobility client, provide server URL, username and password.

In Linux, you should update some packages, and then follow the same manner. Meanwhile, You can configure a Cisco Anyconnect server using a VPS.

Cisco Anyconnect is one of the VPN clients used by most schools, universities, and organizations worldwide.

Setup Cisco Anyconnect VPN client on Windows 10/11

To set up and connect to the Cisco Anyconnect VPN in laptop on Windows, follow the steps below:

Step one: Download the Cisco Anyconnect client

Download the Cisco Anyconnect client for Windows from Cisco’s official website. Remember that the login credentials are required to download the software.

Download the Cisco Anyconnect client on windows

Step two: Install the Cisco Anyconnect on Windows

Extract the downloaded zip file, then double-click the “Setup” file. Select every module you wish to install in the new window.

Selecting cisco anyconnect modules to install

Then click “Install Selected” and “OK” afterward in the pop-up window. Also, agree with the “Terms of Service’ to begin the installation.

Step three: Connect to the Cisco Anyconnect VPN

Upon successful installation, restart your system and open the Cisco Anyconnect mobility client.

You will automatically connect to the network if you already have a license and VPN configurations set up previously.

If not, contact your school, university, or organization’s IT department. And if you have the VPN configs, type in the URL, username, and password to connect.

Connecting to the Cisco Anyconnect VPN

Configure Cisco Anyconnect secure mobility client on Linux

In order to connect to Cisco Anyconnect on Linux, you should:

Step one: Install and update the Cisco packages

To install the Cisco Anyconnect on Debian-based Linux versions, open the terminal and run this command:

sudo apt-get install openconnect network-manager-openconnect-gnome

Step two: Configure Cisco Anyconnect VPN on Linux

In the Linux, go to Settings>>Network, click the plus (+) button, and select “Cisco Anyconnect Compatible VPN”

Configure Cisco Anyconnect VPN on linux

In the “Add VPN” window, you can configure your Cisco Anyconnect VPN.

Configure Cisco Anyconnect VPN on Linux with username and password

How to Connect to Cisco Anyconnect on macOS

The steps below are required to setup Cisco Anyconnect vpn client on macOS.

Step one: Download the Cisco Anyconnect from the App Store

Download the Cisco Anyconnect from the App Store and open it with the default DiskImageMounter.

open the Cisco Anyconnect with the diskimagemounter


Click the AnyConnect.pkg twice.

opening the AnyConnect.pkg


Agree with the terms of service, then select the packages you want to install in the new window.

choosing the packages for cisco Anyconnect installation on macOS


Proceed with the installation, and upon completion, click “Close” then “Move to Trash” to unmount the installer.

Unmounting the installer


Step two: Configure the Cisco Anyconnect VPN

Now that you have installed the Cisco Anyconnect, you can connect to the Cisco VPN. Open the application and put your login information in to connect to the VPN server.

How to connect to Cisco Anyconnect VPN on Android

To connect to Cisco on Android is very simple. Here is how:

Step one: Download Cisco Anyconnect on Android

Download the Cisco Anyconnect client from the Play Store on your Android device.

Downloading the Cisco Anyconnect client on Android

Step two: Open the Cisco Anyconnect

Tap “OK” consecutively in the two windows when opening the Cisco Anyconnect.

open the Cisco Anyconnect

You can allow or deny when asked to let Cisco make and manage phone calls.

allowing Cisco to manage phone calls on Android

Step three: Configure the Cisco Anyconnect

Tap the Connections bar to configure a VPN connection.

configuring the Cisco Anyconnect

Tap the “Add New VPN Connection”.

Adding new VPN connection

Enter the Cisco VPN server address. The “Description” field is optional. When finished, tap the “Done” button.

providing the Cisco Anyconnect VPN information

Now, it’s time to type in your Cisco VPN username and password to connect to Cisco VPN. Then tap the “Connect” button.

type your username and password to connect to the Cisco VPN

Now, you will be connected to the Cisco Anyconnect VPN if the VPN configuration is set up correctly.

How to connect to Cisco Anyconnect on iOS/iPhone

Here are the steps required to download and connect to Cisco Anyconnect VPN on iOS and iPhone:

Step one: Download the Cisco AnyConnect App

Download the Cisco AnyConnect App from the App Store.

Download the Cisco AnyConnect App from app store

Step two: Configure the Cisco Anyconnect VPN connection

Open the Cisco Anyconnect app, allow or disallow the app’s notifications, and tap the Connections field.

configuring the Cisco Anyconnect VPN connection

Tap the Add VPN Connection button.

type the server address for cisco anyconnect

Type in the server address. Again, the “Description” is optional. Tap the “Save” button on the top right corner of the screen.

When prompted with the “Anyconnect would like to add VPN configurations,” tap on “Allow.”

allow Anyconnect to add VPN configurations

Here, you will be asked to type your iPhone passcode. After typing it, tap the slider button in front of the AnyConnect.

Then, you have to type the username and password to connect to the Cisco Anyconnect VPN. Now, tap the “Connect” button.

connect to the Cisco Anyconnect VPN

Why is my Cisco VPN not connecting?

The issue with not connecting to the Cisco Anyconnect falls into three categories:

  • Connection issues
  • User account issues
  • Device-specific issues

For the connection issues, there may be a drop in the internet connection.

Or, you may have reached the maximum user sessions for the User account issues.

And for the device-specific issues, there may be a problem with your device connecting to the Cisco Anyconnect VPN.

What is the default password for Cisco AnyConnect?

Both the default username and password of the Cisco Anyconnect VPN are “cisco”.

How do I sign in to Cisco AnyConnect VPN?

To sign in to Cisco Anyconnect VPN on any platform, all you have to do is to type the server address, username, and password.

This way, you will sign in and connect to the network.

How do I launch Cisco AnyConnect VPN client?

After downloading and installing the software, double-click its icon to launch the Cisco Anyconnect VPN.

For example, on Windows, you can go through Start>>Programs>>Cisco>>Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to launch the Cisco Anyconnect VPN.

How do I find my Cisco AnyConnect VPN IP address?

To find your Cisco AnyConnect VPN IP address, you must go to the “Statistics” tab in the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.

In Windows, open the Cisco Anyconnect and click on the gear icon in the lower-left corner. Then, head to the Statistics tab to see your IP address.

finding Cisco AnyConnect VPN IP address

viewing Cisco anyconnect IP address


So you learned that it is not complicated to connect to Cisco Anyconnect on Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.

All you need is the server URL, your VPN account’s username and password. You can connect to Cisco by downloading and installing the Cisco Anyconnect client.

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